All of the Upstate jokes are worth it when you finally get to go home for summer break. "We live where you vacation" is an accurate bumper sticker for those of us lucky enough to call the Adirondacks our home.
But how exactly can you tell you're in Upstate paradise, not stuck in the dreaded ~Long Island~? Here's how to tell:
1. You’ve shamelessly called in sick for a boat day.
My trademark excuse is "bad sushi"
2. You’ve gotten a Cool Bean’s iced coffee bigger than your face.
3. You go on hikes on your days off of work…
4. ….and go for Instagrammed “hikes” after work.
We all know Pilot Knob is a glorified hill but #DatViewDoe
5. You’ve driven around the lake the long way to avoid the hellish traffic in the village.
Especially on a fireworks night. Shits like a high-school Purge movie.
6. You’ve gotten a hug from Monty.
That wall of rum is what dreams are made of
7. You’ve drunkenly stumbled outside to star gaze with friends.
8. You basically expect a SPAC to end in downpour rain.
(and I bet you dance in it)
9. You’ve experienced the heavenly food-gasm of Druthers’ macaroni and cheese.
*cue tears*
10. You’ve experienced the transformation of the drive-ins.
You start in pjs with your parents, graduate to sweats with your friends, and end hooking up with _______ hoping your car battery doesn't die.
11. You inexplicably go mini golfing at least once a summer, even though you’re always bored by the 8th hole.
And someone usually lets you in for free.
12. You’ve waited more than 15 minutes in line for Martha’s ice cream.
You wouldn’t for anything else. Well, except an apple cider donut, but that’s #JustFallThings
13. You go for hangover-curing breakfasts at The Silo several times a month.
...and see half of your high school class there before your cup of coffee arrives.
14. You’ve taken ~waterfall pics~ at Shelving Rock Falls.
No judgement, we've all done it. Bonus points if you slipped and fell on the rocks.
15. You go to the Saratoga Racecourse once a summer.
16. You still get little-kid excited to go to one of the rope swings.
(you just bring Corona this time)
17. You avoid driving by The Great Escape or Outlets at all cost.
and say a silent prayer for all your friends working there.
18. You make sure you go to at least one county’s fair.
Mainly for the fried oreos or funnel cake
19. You’ve been to a country concert.
Maybe you “hate” country. Maybe you were “dragged” against your will. Maybe you went for your girlfriend. Maybe you were the DD. But we all know you fucking loved it and shook it for Luke Bryan.
20. You’ve chased the sunset on the Lake.
….so, yeah. Unless that’s just me?
*Some photos taken from internet/ click on photo for link*