So I recently went to NYC's Governor's Ball Music Festival, and I noticed just about every type of person there. Music festivals deliver a wide range of music, food, and most of all- people. And most of these music festival goers go unnoticed. Here's a list of the types of people I've found roaming my way through Randall's Island.
1. Those who treat music festivals like photoshoots
These music festival goers are easy to catch. Spot them anywhere taking thousands of "artsy" pictures. They want everyone to know they were there and continue to post all over social media. Ask them their favorite part about the festival, and they'll probably tell you it was the photo-ops.
2. The spectators
These people go for everything. They didn't really check out the lineup or anything like that, they just go for the experience. You'll catch them walking around to every stage, standing far from the crowds, or chilling on a picnic blanket with their friends, eating and listening to live music.
3. PDA-friendly couples
I witnessed many of them during Childish Gambino's performance of Redbone. They treat the festival as a romantic date. Whether they're always dancing with each other or kissing during the romantic songs, you can definitely spot them when they're right next to you in the crowd.
4. Fake fans
They stand in the crowd- close to the stage in fact. They go for a few specific artists even though they only know like 1 song. They'll tell everyone how pumped they are for those artists too, but once they come out, they won't even know the lyrics. They'll pretend to sing along, but really they're just confused. Good thing no one notices.
5. The "hipster" teens
Catch them with juuls or vapes in hand. They're most likely high, drunk, or both. Catch the girls in loud clothing with little material, and the guys with ray bans. They most likely go in style and never leave any spot without leaving clouds of smoke behind.
6. The tweens with bud lights
Somehow they're fine at the festival even though they're basically 12 years old. Somehow they manage to get someone to buy them bud lights, and it's because of them that you wish there was an age requirement for music festivals.
7. The super drunk girl
Either she's above you on someone's shoulders or below you passed out on the ground. If she's on your level, she's most likely stumbling, swaying and unintentionally pushing people around her. She is unaware of this, and even though she probably feels sick, she still manages to have the time of her life, jumping and dancing to every song she won't remember the next day.
8. That kid on drugs
I witnessed a guy just like this during one of the performances. He almost fell on me because he was too lit. You'll know by looking at their eyes. Or if they are the most hype in the crowd, jumping so much without even catching a single breath. They can be fun to try and spot.
9. The dad-son pair
Most likely the kid is less than 13 years old and really wants to see his favorite artist. It's easy to spot them- the kid is usually there for one musician, and he's wearing all the merch. He's a little hipster child and his dad just wants to make him happy.
10. The hot mess
She's alone. She's lost. She can't find her friends- her makeup is all over her face, her hair in a giant knot. She's a hot mess. On the phone for an hour pushing through the crowd, trying to find her friends. You look at her, silently hoping she finds her friends already and gets herself together.
11. The aggressive pushers
You'll hear ridiculous excuses like "my friend is in the front and has diabetes and I need to give her sugar pills" or "my friend is puking up there" as they push through the crowd. They'll do anything for front row whether it's for a popular artist or someone they don't even know. They'll do it because they can and they have no shame. It's kind of funny because people at music festivals can't really stop these pushers. And quite surprisingly, these excuses actually work.
12. The foodies
They'll wait in any line if it means there's good food at the end of it. They spend more time eating than listening to the music. By the end of the weekend, they have gained one or more pounds. And they don't have shame. Catch them snapping photos of every food they eat.
13. The flower child
She goes to the festival for the sole purpose of wearing her new flower crown.
14. The music-lovers
They know the lineup like the back of their hand. They've come strictly for the music, up for hours at a time at just about every stage, in every crowd. They somehow get the front for just about everything. With little time for anything else but the music.
15. Those frat guys who wanted an excuse to go a little too hard
They don't care who's performing- they just wanted to rage. Catch them jumping and shouting in the crowd, repping their fraternity, or wearing no shirt. But watch out if they're in front of you because they might fall over.
16. The parents who didn't want to leave their kids behind
They're a nice older couple holding hands, enjoying the live music as they stand in the crowd. Little do they know what they're exposing their children to. They should've paid for the nanny.
17. The ones stuck in the past
No, not every music festival is like Woodstock.
18. The crowd-surfer
She tries and she most likely fails. But it's the effort that counts right?
19. The eccentric dressers
There are a select few people that dress the craziest- treating the music festival as the perfect place to experiment with their fashion.
20. The puker
You pretty much know when you see one. Just make sure not to step in the puke afterwards.