1. The concept of “alone time” becomes obsolete.
Photo via Tumblr.
2. What’s an indoor voice?
Photo via Gifrific.
3. The kids table is forever.
Photo via Imgur.
4. The kitchen is a sanctuary, and stepping foot in it during turkey preparation is the eighth deadly sin.
Photo via Tumblr.
5. The evening’s schedule consists of: shouting, eating, more shouting, more eating. Maybe throw some football games in there. Then more eating.
Photo via Huffington Post.
6. Ceremonial torturing of the youngest cousin is a ritual.
Photo via Gurl.
7. The grandparents get final say. On everything.
Photo via Giphy.
8. There is no such thing as “having a filter,” unless we're talking about Instagram.
Photo via Odyssey PhoOnline.
9. You’re afraid to bring significant others home.
Photo via Tumblr.
10. In fact, the movie “My Big Fat Greek Wedding” is the most comparable example to Thanksgiving Dinner.
Photo via Tumblr.
11. Incessant interrupting is included in basic conversation etiquette.
Photo via Wordpress.
12. The Golden Rule: If they didn’t hear you, talk louder.
Photo via FunnyJunk.
13. Stories from the past will be re-told. Mostly the embarrassing ones.
Photo via Giphy.
14. Inevitable brawling erupts over who gets the last serving of mashed potatoes.
Photo Via Giphy.
15. Unexpected confrontation usually goes down.
Photo via Tumblr.
16. A large portion of time is spent orchestrating a group family photo. Cue kids complaining.
Photo via Fast CoCreate.
17. There's usually some sort of group game that is taken way out of hand.
Photo via Giphy.
18. "Who's hosting next year?" is always the elephant (turkey?) in the room.
Photo via Giphy.
19. You end up with way, way, way too much food.
Photo via Wordpress.
20. And we're always reminded in the best way why family always comes first.
Photo via Tumblr.