Hampton Beach is near and dear to many of our hearts. Growing up people have made many memories there that they will keep forever. As long as I can remember I have been going to Hampton Beach; it was like my second home in the summer. If you spent your summers at Hampton you will totally vibe with these twenty things about Hampton Beach.
- BLINK’s Fried Dough
- The Boardwalk
- Playland Arcade vs The Center Mall Arcade
- Trying to remember which street you parked on
- 24 soft serve flavors
- Climbing on the jetty
- Sand castle competition
- Concerts at the Sea Shell Stage
- Wednesday night fireworks
- The Brown’s vs Markey’s
- The Candy Corner
- Knowing when it’s low tide
- Weird towel guy off the highway
- The “Leather Guy”
- People watching
- The rice necklace stand
- Henna tattoos
- Sketchy waterslide
- Numbing your feet in the water
- “The Wall” in North Hampton