A new academic year is fast approaching, and with it comes more knowledge, friendships, and experiences. For those making the transition between high school and college, this can be a simultaneously terrifying and exciting time in your lives, but with a little encouragement and a lot of bravery, the next 4 years can be the best of your life.
1. Choose a major or choose to be undeclared.
You may already know what field of expertise you'd like to enter before you even set foot on campus, but you also may not. In the university universe, undeclared is a term used for an individual who has not chosen a major. And that's just fine. You have 2 whole years once you've entered college to figure out what you want to do for the rest of your life, so explore a little!
2. Communicate with your professors.
Remember the relationships that you built with your teachers in high school? Focus on achieving that same kind of rapport with your college professors. They are an invaluable resource to you, because they are the very center of knowledge at your university. Don't be afraid to talk to them after class, visit them during office hours, or send them an email. They're human just like you and me, and they want you to succeed.
No further explanation is required. Read it, read it again, and read it once more for good measure.
4. Ask questions.
Be curious. Raise your hand in class if you don't understand something. Ask for directions if you're unsure about where you're going. Your university is a pretty big place, but it's your university. Everyone is there for you, to help you.
5. Get involved.
It can be overwhelming when you find yourself on a campus with over 10,000 students, but I promise you that there is something for everyone. Talk to your classmates or professors. Visit the student center or the SAB or Greek Life offices. You never know what you'll fall in love with or how you can help your community. And remember: it ALWAYS looks good on a resume!
6. Consider a work study program.
Did you have a part-time job while in high school? You can do the very same in college! What's even better is that you can work at your university through a work study program. Your earnings can even go toward your tuition.
7. Take advantage of FREE tutoring.
Struggling with math or writing? Your university is here to help! They offer free tutoring services in a range of subjects. Tutors undergo extensive screening in order to ensure that they are knowledgeable in their subject area and are equipped to help you, so don't hesitate to seek out their assistance.
8. Utilize the library.
The library is your friend, especially during finals week. Aside from that, the library offers you access to computers, laptop rental, printing services, book and document loan services, and so much more.
9. Amenities, amenities, amenities.
Sick? The student health and wellness center will take care of you... for FREE! In need of a workout? The university gym is open and available to you... for FREE! Your university offers so many services specifically catered toward you. The costs of these amenities are, of course, included in tuition, but from there, they are of no additional expense to you, so use them!
10. Study.
11. Park wisely.
Regardless of which university you attend and no matter how big or small, parking is horrendous. It's an absolute hassle, so prepare yourself to walk a mile to class rather than spending an hour searching for a convenient parking space.
12. Nap.
This may seem like a really juvenile piece of advice, but you are about to experience one of the most physically, mentally, and emotionally exhausting times of your life. You'll begin to wonder how you even had time to sleep before, so when you have an extra 20 minutes or so between classes, don't hesitate to catch some Z's.
13. Eat well.
I know, I know. You've heard stories your whole life about how Top Ramen is the essential college student food, but I'm here to tell you that you can't survive on instant noodles alone. You need nourishment for your body. You're about to put it through a lot of long nights and more stress than you can imagine. Indulging occasionally is acceptable, but make it a point to create a solid dietary regimen for yourself. Take care of your body. It's the only one you've got.
14. Study hard.
Did I mention that you should learn study skills?
15. Call your parents.
It seems strange that I'm advising you to pick up the phone and dial home, but when you're as busy as a college student is, communicating with your family and friends tends to take a back seat to coursework. However, you should contact the people you love and care about at least once a week. It'll ease your mind and help you refocus.
16. Get (and stay) organized.
College is chaotic enough as it is. The last thing you need is to lose that hard copy of your term paper.
17. Dress for comfort.
It's college, y'all. You may be required to wear business casual clothing for the occasional speech or presentation, but for the vast majority of your college career, you're gonna be sitting, watching, and listening. The least you could be is comfortable while doing it.
18. Attend class.
DO NOT SKIP CLASS. If you're sick or you have an emergency, send your professor a quick email and make sure you have some form of documentation of at all possible. Being absent from even one class in college is the equivalent of being absent from half a week of high school, and more often than not, your professor will not update you on what you missed that day or provide you with makeup work. It's your responsibility to get that information from your classmates. And finally, it's your money, your time, and your education. Don't waste it.
19. Study harder.
You'll thank me when you ace that mid-term.
20. Enjoy yourself.
College is hard, but it can also be the most fun you've ever had in your life. Remember: you have made the choice to attend your university. It's not a death sentence; it's a privilege and an opportunity. Make the most of it. Live it up before you graduate and have to become a real adult.
Congratulations on your acceptance into your university! You're about to embark on one wild and crazy ride that's full of excitement. I hope this experience enriches and fulfills you and leads to a happy and successful future. Good luck!