As of April 15, 2016, I, Emily Grace Wagner, became a 20-year-old. I can no longer call myself a child or blame my bad attitude on teenage angst, yet I still can't legally drink or rent a car. Being 20 is actually quite a confusing and awkward age, but I have acquired a good amount of knowledge through my two decades spent here on Earth. Here are 20 tips I've learned in my 20 years!
1. Always be true to yourself.
A little clichéd, but peer pressure still exists even in your 20s. Stick to your values and be who you want to be.
2. The way someone treats you is a reflection of how they think of themselves.
Next time someone treats you poorly, remember that they are most likely trying to compensate for their own problems or insecurities.
3. Live in the moment.
Put down your phone and experience life. College doesn't last forever and you should soak up all that you can!
4. Don't ever pass up an opportunity for free food.
This is 100 percent serious. Food is expensive and college makes you poor!
5. Know how to balance work and play.
Unfortunately, the downfall of many college students is partying too hard and studying too little. A balance exists and is the key to your success.
6. Get over your ego.
As you ascend into adulthood you realize the world is way bigger than just you. Get over yourself and be thankful for all that you have.
7. Be passionate.
Find something that gets you up in the morning and makes you a better person. Fight for what's right in the world and never give up.
8. Don't be afraid to get your heart broken.
Being young, you have your whole life ahead of you to find love. Be spontaneous and take chances, it'll probably be worth it.
9. Don't lose touch with those back home.
Your childhood best friends stuck with you even through your awkward braces and acne phase. Don't lose them; make an effort to keep in touch and meet up when you can.
10. Always be up to trying something new.
Everyday approaches you with a new way to experience a different culture, idea or destination. Take it. You will learn so much.
11. Stop comparing yourself to others.
If you go through life doing so, you will never be happy with yourself. Love you for you.
12. Be open-minded.
If I've learned anything in these 20 years, it's that judgement gets you nowhere. Always consider both sides of a story and put yourself in someone else's shoes.
13. Give yourself some TLC when needed.
Listen to your body and know when to chill out. Take time for yourself and go on a simple afternoon stroll or curl up with a book!
14. Educate yourself.
Be it politics, religion or current events, stay up to date with what's going on in the world. The best way to contribute to society is being informed about it.
15. Know that money isn't everything.
Do something because you love it, not because it will make you rich. You will be so much happier in the long run.
16. Be goal-oriented.
Know what you want in life and how you are going to get it. Success normally doesn't happen overnight, it takes planning and determination.
17. Learn from your mistakes.
Though advice can get you through a lot, you can't prepare for all of the mistakes you will make in the future. Live and let learn.
18. Accept that not everyone is going to like you.
And don't spend your life only trying to please others. Do you like the person you've become? That's what matters.
19. Get help in any way that you can.
Whether it's educational, physiological or emotional, help is available for virtually anything. Swallow your pride and don't be afraid to reach out when you need to.
20. Remember that family is forever.
Though life becomes a whirlwind when growing up, remember those who were there through it all. Family always has your back no matter what.