College is a truly special time in a person's life. The struggles of college life are universal and have been plaguing people since the advent of higher education. Artists paint the human experience, so it's only natural, that the struggles of college would be captured in famous works of art.
1. When the whole squad's ready to go, but you hate your outfit.
2. When you realize your term paper was due at midnight, and it's 12:05, and you haven’t started.
3. When your friends are trying to hook up but you know they’re too drunk.
4. When you think you look fire all night, and then you get home and look in the mirror.
5. When the whole squad's rolling to dining hall breakfast, but you woke up still drunk and have to stay in bed. (Go without me.)
6. When your friend took off all their clothes at the party and has to be carried out.
7. When you realize you have a final tomorrow.
8. When your friend has pizza rolls and you're really hungry.
9. When one of your roommates is sick and your parents aren’t there, so you have to figure out what medicine to take on your own.
10. What you picture when you see your roommate wearing your leather jacket on Snapchat, and they didn’t ask.
11. When you’re stuck with the same student ID photo for four years.
12. When you thought bangs were a good idea for a "new college you" but now you aren’t so sure.
13. When you’re trying to figure out how to split the check, but none of you have taken math in two years.
14. When the RA catches you hooking up in the common room and have to escort you out of the public space.
15. When you're cheating off the person next to you but trying to be sly about it.
16. When someone lets you hold their dog and you consider stealing it.
17. When you hook up with drunk bae and just think, "Well, I hope that was good for you."
18. When you aren't feeling sexy after gaining the Freshman 15.
19. When you're trying to work on a group project but it just goes to sh*t.
20. When you get a bottle of wine instead of boxed, and you feel like a classy b*tch.
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