I'm a firm believer that "Parks and Recreation" is one of the funniest shows that has been on the air recently. In addition to the plot lines, the characters in the show are hilarious and very relatable, especially Chris Traeger. Chris is great because while he is a grown man in the show, he's pretty much a college student.
1. When it's the day before an exam and you haven't started studying.
2. When you suddenly become friends with the drunk girl in line for the bathroom.
3. When you get a bad grade but are trying to be optimistic.
4. When you learn that the class has a cumulative exam.
5. When you suddenly remember the amount of work you have to do.

6. When you see the person you like hooking up with someone else.
7. When you partied a little too hard the night before and try to explain the night's events to your roommate.
8. When a club tells you that there will be free pizza at the next meeting.
9. When your friend shows you their Tinder account.
10. When your professor tells you that the final exam isn't cumulative.
11. When you're comparing test answers with your friends and none of your answers match theirs.
12. When you should definitely go to the health center but vow to power through your illness.
13. When your professor tells the class this isn't a project you can complete the night before.

14. When you go home and relatives ask if you're still single.
15. When you thought you received a good grade but it was actually much lower.
16. Every time finals week rolls around.
17. When you support your friend's reckless decision.
18. When you try to eat healthily but then go and eat a pint of ice cream.
19. When you took a risk and tried that dining hall food but it failed you.
20. And whenever you think about graduation and finding a real job.
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