There are a lot of different thoughts and feelings that go through your mind as you pack up and leave the sorority house that you've called home. The memories, the laughs, the less than graceful falls in heels down the stairs that you never knew you'd cherish are all coming back to you. When joining a sorority, you don't really know what your experience living in the house will be like. Will it be a hormonal mess of 60+ girls (yes) or will it be the best time of your life (also yes). Because these emotions can be complicated to navigate through, here is a list of 20 things that go through your mind as you pack up and leave your house and sisters behind.
1) How did I fit all of this in this tiny room?
2) Did I even use half of this?
3) Oh, that's where I put my stash of extra (insert some beauty item here) so that I wouldn't run out of it and then completely forgot about.
4) Oh crap, I'm going to have to make my own food now...
5) I can finally have a room to myself!
6) Wait, who am I supposed to talk to if my new roommate isn't home?
7) I'm never going to live in a house this pretty or this big again.
8) I get a bed that is bigger than a twin!!!
9) I don't have to warn everyone on my floor when my dad comes upstairs to help me lift heavy things!
10) Oh my gosh my apartment will be so cute!
11) Wait where do I buy furniture that I can afford?
13) Wait who am I supposed to talk with/dance with while getting ready in the morning?
14) Oh my gosh I won't have to socialize when I'm a zombie in the mornings.
15) Wait I can't braid hair...who is supposed to help me with my hair?!
16) Or give me outfit advice?
17) Or let me "borrow" clothes/shoes?
18) What do you mean I can't walk across the hall to my best friends rooms?
19) Can't we all just stay here? Why do we have to leave?!
20) *Googles how much a 60 person house costs to rent*
To whoever occupies my room next, I hope you make as many amazing memories in the house as I did! Don't ever take a moment (or the chef prepared food) for granted! You'll only live in a house with dozens of girls once in your life, (unless you are on the next season of The Bachelor I guess), so live it up, make some memories, and take embarrassing photos and post them in your group message that you can look back on them later when you miss these crazy women.