Every time I get in my car and start driving I feel like I am surrounded by hundreds of people that don’t know how to drive. I often feel like I’m not going to make it home due to all of people that are driving like they have never been in a car before. Many thoughts go through my head all at once. Sometimes I even find myself screaming in my head at all of the cars around me. These are the typical things that I want to say to the other drivers around me:
1. Do you not have a blinker?
2. Do you know what Rear-View mirrors are?
3. How did you get a license?
4. Why are you hitting your brakes?
5. Do you really need to slow down that much to turn?
6. Don’t you dare pull out in front of me.
7. Green means go, idiot.
8. Do you know what “right on red” means?
9. The light JUST turned green, so don’t honk your horn at me.
10. Maybe if you get off of your phone you would actually be decent at driving.
11. Do you really need that many bumper stickers on your car?
13. Please stop swerving so much.
14. I’m glad that cop didn’t see me speeding.
15. Seriously did you pay someone to give you a license?
16. Move out of the way!
17. The fast lane is for FAST drivers…
18. The sign says Yield not Stop.
19. Do you know how to merge?
20. I’m never going to make it home alive…