" Hamilton" is a new musical that is taking Broadway by storm. Even if you have to go to all the way to New York to see this amazing show, do it. Do whatever you have to do to watch this incredible show. While watching "Hamilton," you are probably going feel a lot of emotions and think a lot of different things. Here is a list of 20 different things that my friends and I thought while watching this show.
1 . "Thank goodness I found this online."
2 . "Even if I didn't, the music alone made me already feel like I was watching it."
4 . "Everything about this is on point."
5 . "There's a lot of foreshadowing throughout this play."
6 . "There are many subtle historical references to look out for."
7 . "King George steals the show."
8 . *sobbing*
9 . "This music is going to be in my head for the next week."
10. "Alright, it is officially downloaded on Spotify"
11. "The costumes are literally on point."
12. "I'm so determined to get Guns and Ships down."
13. "Wait didn't that guy play someone else earlier?"
14. *sobbing again*
15. "George Washington dying puts me in the same place that I was in when Old Yeller died."
16. "So was Maria Reynolds in on it orrrrrrrr?"
17. "Thomas Jefferson is my spirit animal."
18. "Dang Hamilton, you savage."
19. *while googling Eliza* "Dang, homegirl lived a long time."
20. "I am so happy that I found this online."
Thank you, Lin-Manuel Miranda for this aazing show. It has changed my life and I can't wait to see where this show goes.