Exactly a month ago, I hit a milestone. I turned 20. Throughout my teen years, I waited for my 20s to come because I felt like that, when I hit my 20s, I would have my life figured out and everything would be great. Not. In this last month of being 20, I’ve had a lot of time to reflect on what entering your 20’s really means. So I decided to compile this list of 20 thoughts I’ve had on turning 20.
1. Heck, yeah, finally out of those teen years!
2. Oh wait, still can’t drink...
3. Well, only 365 days until I can!
4. Remember when I thought my life would be figured out by now, HA!
5. Okay, but seriously, gonna sit down and figure my life out right now.
6. LOL, still don’t know what I want to do after college, this is going well...
7. I should go to grad school.
8. But what should I go to grad school for..?
9. Everyone is talking about taxes and tax returns, how do I do those?
10. Everyone also keeps telling me that I could be married in five years...Ha. Yeah, right.
11. I should make a budget.
12. Okay, I only have $7 so my budget is to not buy anything ever.
13. I need to start looking at real jobs.
14. Well, every job wants me to have internship experience or years of work experience in the field.
15. *Sends out 50 internship applications to different places*
16. *Gets no responses*
17. Well, at this point I feel like I should just give up on everything.
18. No, I can’t. I’m good at what I do and I’ll find an internship/job!
19. Ugh, I just really need some wine, only 365 days, I can do this.
20. 20 isn’t what 10-year-old me thought it would be at all.