As my 20th birthday quickly approaches, it's hard to believe how fast time flies! And it's pretty scary that I'm going to be "in my twenties" after it seemed like I was a teenager forever. Here are 20 thoughts I'm having before my 20th birthday!
1. I'll finally no longer be a teenager!
2. Shoot, that means I'll have to get a grown-up job in like a few years.
3. How much longer am I on Mom and Dad's insurance?
4. The high schoolers are children now. Are you sure you are old enough to be in high school?
5. People a few years older than me are getting engaged and married. Is this real life?
6. Oh my god, I am two decades old. This is pretty huge. I mean, it's not 18 and not 21, but still, I'm an adult.
7. There are like zero songs about turning 20.
8. I can't believe I've been in school since 2001. That's three-quarters of my life.
9. I'm as old as the Macarena.
10. I feel so old, yet I'm still so young. I don't really feel like an adult.
11. I'm really bad at adulting.
12. Twenty-year-olds in real life look nothing like 20-year-olds on TV. Majorly disappointed.
13. All these celebrities are now becoming younger then me and wildly successful.
14. I'm starting to not recognize celebrities.
15. Why aren't I rich and famous already? I'm aging as we speak.
16. I'm not looking forward to mortgages and 401ks.
17. What's a 401k?
18. I really hate this part-time job. But it's only temporary until I get a career. But I still really hate this part-time job.
19. One more year until I'm 21!
20. One more year until I'm 21.