As we all know, winter break is close to an end or has even ended already. I'm sure we have all had similar thoughts about this dreaded time. Here are some thoughts that I have had that other students may recognize:
1. Where did the break even go?
2. What did I even do all break?
3. I spent all break watching Netflix, how did that happen?
4. I still have to buy all of my books.
5. Maybe I should get my sleeping schedule back to normal.
6. I'm not going to get sleep anyways might as well stay up until 2 again.
7. How did break go by so fast?
8. Is this even worth it?
9. Do I really need an education?
10. Why can't we just have one more week?
11. Should I wear the new clothes I got from Christmas to impress people?
12. *looks at collection of sweats* Never mind, those will do.
Because who wants to wear actual pants, right?
13. Why are my books so expensive?
14. Are we actually going to use this book or not?
15. Why?
Just why.
16. Maybe I'll just take the semester off.
17. Did I really spend most of my break working?
18. I swear it was just finals week yesterday.
19. Maybe I won't procrastinate this semester...maybe.
A very strong maybe.