Applying for internships has become one of hallmarks of college life in the 21st century. In previous decades, interning before graduation wasn't necessarily something that every student was basically expected to do. Searching for and applying for internships can be incredibly stressful, but the payoff can be great. So, here's twenty thoughts every college student has had while searching for that right internship:
1. Why am I the only person who hasn't interned yet?
2. Why is this process so stressful?
3. You mean I have to have a resume and a cover letter?
4. Why do I have to type in my work history if it's all on my resume?

5. I have no idea what I want to do; what am I doing?
6. So, if I have to be there from 9-5 that means I can't take any classes those days and how am I supposed to graduate on time?
7. There are so many people applying for this, there's no way I'm going to get it.
8. I'm so nervous for my phone interview.
9. What if they ask me something I don't know how to answer and I freeze up?

10. Okay, that wasn't so bad.
11. *proceeds to rethink every little thing I said and convince myself I ruined everything*
12. What if I don't get it and then I am officially a failure at life?
13. What if I get it and I am officially awesome?
14. How am I supposed to manage school, an internship, extracurriculars, and breathing all at once?
15. Waiting to hear back is actually the worst.
16. Oh god, an unread email.
17. OH
18. MY
19. GOD
20. Finally!!
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