20 Thoughts JMU Students Have About Back-To-School | The Odyssey Online
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20 Thoughts JMU Students Have About Back-To-School

Is it too early to start wearing purple again?

20 Thoughts JMU Students Have About Back-To-School
Madalyn Ferlazzo

August has come and it's time to start packing to go back to school (or if you are like me you have never unpacked from May). Each year brings different classes, a new schedule, another living situation, and of course more memories. Here is a look into every JMU student's mind at this very moment.

1. Punches - whenever wherever you want!

I'm sure ever Duke did a little dance when they found out that punches will roll over from week to week! This means you won't have to text your friends asking "okay so I punched once before noon and two times before 3 can I punch again?" or running to Festival on Saturday to double punch on cereal and drinks.

2. Fear and Excitement over your upcoming classes

Everyone is feeling slightly nervous and scared for certain classes in the next semester. They might have put off a class forever and now they have to face it or are dealing with a "weed-out" class. However, there are also those classes you cannot wait for! Either way you just have to make the best of it.

3. Why the heck are parking permits so expensive?!

We have all gotten the email. The one that says that you have to pay an enormous amount of money to park on campus. You will debate every option - maybe I will bike to school, the bus isn't that bad, or even I'm transferring. But, in the end you will pay for it and maybe sell a kidney in the process.


Are JMU students still celebrating their win in January? Yes! Of course! And it's not going to stop anytime soon either. Let's face it you are more excited for football than ever before and are already looking up flights to Texas for this year.

5. I'm not going to pack clothes I don't need.. I wear the same shirt five times in a week

No one dresses nice at JMU unless they have a presentation. You will end up wearing the same shirt five times in a week and no one will care. But, you will still end up packing your whole closet just in case you have a change in heart!

6. I'm not even going to look up how expensive my textbooks are.

The worst part of starting a new semester - that dreaded moment when you realize that every one of your classes requires a textbook. You will try to avoid it, but at some point, you just have to face it.

7. Is open enrollment actually going to be helpful?

Enrolling for classes stinks. You will always end up with the professor with a 1.2 on Rate My Professor or end up with an 8 a.m. For all those facing open enrollment, I wish you good luck.

8. Is D-Hall going to be ready?

D-Hall construction has been moving rapidly over this past year! It is supposedly going to be similar to E-Hall, but better. I know it's crazy how can anything ever be better than E-Hall? Hopefully, it will be finished early and we can spend this year indulging in QDOBA.

9. If they are making me pay all this money for a permit, then is there at least going to be somewhere to park?

Every JMU student has complained about parking at some point. Once you park your car, you do not move it until you are leaving campus for the day. While JMU may have enough parking on campus, they are not always in the most convenient spots.

10. Frog Week! Eeeeekk!

Every Dukes favorite week. It is time to welcome the new Freshmen Class and introduce them to JMU! For Freshmen, this week is filled with meetings, reciting your name, major, hometown, and fun fact 100 times, and tons of amazing events! For Upperclassmen, this week is when they come back to campus, reunite with old friends, and enjoy welcoming the Freshmen.

11. I'm going to eat so healthy this year and UREC is going to be my BFF

August is a college student's January- when you start to make resolutions for the next year and living a healthier lifestyle. Until, October hits and your bank account is hurting from Campus Cookies orders and it's Chicken Nugget Thursday at E-Hall. The only trips you are taking to UREC are ones to get Freshens.

12. Wait! I'm already another year closer to graduating!

You are suddenly realizing your time at JMU is becoming shorter and shorter. You might be an upcoming Senior reaching their final year at JMU or a Sophomore/Junior who still have a few years left. Either way, you are sad that in a short time you won't be packing up to head to Harrisonburg and you pray for time to slow down.

13. I need to buy new towels, throw pillows, kitchen accessories, curtains, and more!

The best part about coming to college is the shopping! it starts with getting excited to buy bed risers, then it grows from there. Now you are standing in the middle of HomeGoods getting excited, because you have found the PERFECT shower curtain and you have to text your roommate and tell her.

14. I'm going to miss my parents, hometown friends, and my bed

It happens to everyone when they leave home. You are always going to miss your parents, but trust me they are going to be more than happy to come visit you. Your college friends are amazing, but it's nice always having the people you grew up with down the street. Your bed at home will always beat your bed at college.

15. Okay, I have two weeks till I go back. I have to hurry up and binge watch this series.

Summer is the perfect time to binge watch your favorite shows on Netflix and once you back at school you barely have time to eat. Now is your time to shine and show you are ready to watch 120 episodes in 2 weeks.

16. How is all this stuff going to fit in my car?

You have gathered all your things together and as you glance at your car you have to wonder how in the world is that all going to fit! And to your amazement it always does, but it sure is a pain to unload.

17. I hope Gaynelle is still at E-Hall!

Gaynelle is the sweetest, nicest, warmest, wonderful person you have ever met. You get excited when you walk into E-Hall and there sits Gaynelle reading her book ready to greet you!

18. I'm ready to have my routine back.

You miss your daily routine at school - wake up, coffee, class, lunch, class, class, gym, dinner, meetings, ECL, shower, The Office, bed, and repeat. You enjoy going to your club meetings, having a set time for the gym, and feeling like you have your life together. Even if you are failing miserably, at least your planner is organized!

19. I cannot wait to see my roommate and friends

Everyone secretly enjoys having roommates to come home to after a long day. They are there to vent to, share clothes with, and go get food with at 10 o'clock at night. Your friends at college are some of the best people in your life and three months without them is too long.

20. How lucky am I to be a Duke?

You attend one of the best schools in the nation and you could not be more happy to be heading back to school! You are happily packing up your Fight Song shirt and counting down the days till football season - and you wouldn't have it any other way.

I hope all my fellow Dukes are enjoying their final weeks of summer! Jimmy Madison cannot wait to welcome us home again!

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