Grey's Anatomy has broken tons of hearts throughout the past 12 seasons. It makes us laugh, cry, angry, sob, smile, and probably dozens more of emotions. Shonda Rhimes is a master at making us go on her emotional roller coaster and frankly I think she enjoys doing this to us. While we love our beloved Grey's characters, we have so many thoughts/emotions that go through us when watching the show. Here are a few thoughts I think we've all had.
1. The Opening Theme
"Nobody knows where they might end up" yeah okay thanks Shonda. You know from hearing that, that something is bound to happen and something is about to go down. Because in Shondaland no one is ever happy.
2. Meredith Grey's Monologue Somehow ALWAYS relates to your life
Whether it's about life, death, relationships, career paths, Meredith Grey's opening monologue is so relatable in some type of way. Like right when you hear her voice it's like you know. She speaks to us on such a personal deep level, like how do I even?????
3. Remember the time Addison showed up and ruined Meredith and Derek?
This scene made me want to literally throw things. Meredith and Derek were in pure bliss and extreme happiness. But of course in Shondaland there's no such thing as happiness.Especially for Meredith.
4. And then remember when he got back together with Addison?
UGH no words.
5. The fact that Grey-Sloane Memorial Hospital has been to hell and back
Like seriously how many people can go through bad things like this is unreal???
6. Praying Shonda doesn't put us through another trauma
7. Only to find out she does and we're all just like
8. George O'Malley dying low-key killed all of our hearts
9. Every doctor at Grey-Sloane Memorial has had relations
10. Maybe I should become a doctor.....
11. If I became a doctor should I go into cardio?
12. Meh Probably Neuro because of McDreamy...
13. When they said "only two will remain"
Meredith and Alex. We all thought Meredith and Cristina but no Mer and Alex.
14. Alex and Meredith are truly goals
Meredith and Derek were the McCouple, but honestly Meredith and Alex are goals. They've both been through a lot of crap, but they always are there for one another. Meredith even listed Alex as her emergency contact. Now Meredith has had a lot of relationships, it'd be interesting to see these two get together. Their bond is so strong. It's truly amazing.
15. Everyone has a "person"
Meredith and Cristina are the reason why we girls excessively use "you are my person" references.
16. Japril drama is literally NEVER ENDING
It's annoying to be honest.
17. Ferryboats.
Need I say no more?
18. Calzona drama is also never ending
But you did....
19. Meredith's new lover... Just no...
Seeing Meredith with another guy that we don't know is just not ok.
20. Derek's Death... We all mourn
And Meredith telling him to let go was actually heartbreaking.