We all love our local grocery stores. Whether it be Wegmans, Tops, Publix, Target or wherever you go. The stores may be different, but we are all going there for the same reason. There are millions of thoughts that go through our heads while going grocery shopping. We went there to get toilet paper, bread and eggs but left with a cart-full. Here are 20 thoughts everyone has while going to the grocery store:
1. Free cookies, they won't know I'm not 12 right?
Every single one of us still enjoys sneaking those yummy cookies from the Cookie Club for kids 12 and under.
2. Some random person said hi to me, do I even know them?
This is always super awkward and it happens more than you think
3. This looks good, do I need it? No. Am I gonna get it? Hard yes.
Does that slice of pizza look good? Yes Do I need it? Nah. Am I gonna get it? Duh!
4. Alright, let's get in and get out.
The goal of every grocery shopping trip is to get in and get out fast. Who wants to wait in long ass lines anyway?
5. ABORT, ABORT MISSION! Someone from high school is ahead, turn the other way.
You'll save yourself from pretending you care about their new boyfriend, baby or the new car they got if you just run the other way.
6. Free. Samples.
Who doesn't like free samples at the grocery store? You walk down one aisle and try crackers and cheese, and the next is loaded potato skins. It's heaven and it's free.
7. I wonder if anyone I know is working...
Everyone usually knows at least a few people who work at their local grocery store. We all like to see if they're working so we can be first in their line.
8. Damn it's freezing, I should've brought a sweater.
Nah, it's just the freezer aisle.
9. Hot cashier alert!
Grocery stores always have the cutest workers. Alex from Target. End of story.
10. I should've ate before I came.
My stomach is growling and I want everything in sight, but I only have 20 bucks.
11. I think they specifically put the beer near the chips because they want me to buy both...
But I'm perfectly okay with that.
12. Alright I said In and out but it's been an hour and a half already...
And I still haven't found the pickles.
13. Now, time to wait in line.
I have places to be and food to eat, I don't have time for this.
14. Are you kidding me, there are only two cashiers opened?
Do the workers not notice the lines are backed up?
15. Fine, i'll do this self check out thing.
Okay, this is actually pretty cool.
16. I could definitely be a cashier here.
I can just see myself rocking that uniform.
17. How am I suppose to carry all of these bags?
Where is Esteban when you need him?
18. One more sample before I go...
How could one pass up on a FREE sample??
19. Alright, now where did I park?
Right, there! Oh wait, that's not my car.
20. Crap, I forgot the milk!
Went to the grocery store for milk, didn't leave with milk.
Grocery shopping can be super easy or super hard. Hopefully everyone can relate to these 20 thoughts I have when I'm in the grocery store. Let's just hope next time I remember the milk!