We have successfully survived the first week back on Hawk Hill. Even though it is exciting to be back, I can guarantee that at least one of these thoughts have popped into your head over the course of the week. Here are some things everyone has most likely thought or even said during their first week back at school.
- I am so excited to be going back to school, I have been bored out of my mind.
- I cannot wait until syllabus week.
- Wait, I forgot syllabus week doesn't exist at this university.
- I am actually going to eat healthy this year.
- Guys can we order dominos?
- Or can we get Insomnia?
- If he actually gives us homework on the first day of classesI’m switching out.
- What even happened last night?
- It’s only Wednesday and I want to go home already.
- Awesome, I love when my debit card declines on the first day back because of all these stupid textbooks I have to buy.
- I hope I wake up from my nap, otherwise I will just sleep straight through until tomorrow.
- I better know at least one person in all of my classes.
- Do I really have to read for philosophy?
- I’m going to where this same shirt for four days straight because I’m not ready to start doing my own laundry again.
- After that bio lab I am crawling into a hole and rotting there for eternity.
- Okay, I bought one Chipotle burrito and I’m already broke.
- I’m actually going to try to look presentable this semester!
- Three days is good enough right? I think I deserve to wear leggings today.
- I’m going to get more involved on campus. *signs up for way too many activities*
- I’m going to have to drop a few of those since my life is spinning out of control.