So I don't know about everyone else in the world, but I am not the gym's No. 1 fan. It's probably not even on my list of the top 100 things I like to do. My thoughts before I drag myself to the gym are:
1. How long has it been? One week? Two weeks? A month? Oh my goodness, I can’t even remember what the gym looks like! Where is the gym again? Is it the building near the dining hall or is it the building near the science department? Is it blue or gray?
2. Where are my sneakers?
3. Do I even remember what drawer my workout clothes are in?
4. Do I even have workout clothes still?
5. Did I think I was done with the gym for the rest of my life? Did I throw them all away?
6. Oh, just kidding, found them in the bottom dresser drawer.
7. Yippee...
8. Do I really have to go?
9. What did the doctor recommend again?
10. Was it three times a week or four times a month?
11. I'm pretty sure she said month. Like, what insane person goes four times a week?
12. Oh no, my parents are calling. Mom is definitely going to ask if I have gone recently. I should just not answer and call her after so I don't have to lie, like usual.
13. Where did I put my sports bras?
14. Are they in with my regular bras?
15. No, they wouldn't be. I don't want to be reminded of going to the gym every single day. Are they with my sports clothes? Oh, yes, they are in the back of the drawer. Wow, aren’t I just the greatest hider ever!
16. How long do I have to go to the gym for?
17. Is walking around the track once too short? Or is it too long? If I go at turtle pace can I leave right after one lap?
18. Oh my goodness, Abigail, get your sh*t together and go the gym!
19. Where are my sneakers?
20. Not with my other shoes... Maybe in my closet? Nope. Not there. Oh! Found them! Under my bed! Of course... Where all the dust is...
21. Well, since getting ready for the gym took 45 minutes, I guess I only have to go to the gym for 15 minutes! To take one lap around the track I go!
I think it is good for everyone to get to the gym every once in a while, even if it does take longer to get ready than the amount of time you are there for!