Going to college, it's every student's dream to live in an apartment at least once throughout their career. This year will be my junior year of college and I get to move in to my first apartment with my roommates! I am so excited to decorate, cook and just have my own little space. Here are some essential items that you're going to need moving into an apartment:
*Disclaimer* My apartment is on-campus, so it is already fully furnished. Most of the time with off-campus apartments you will need some furniture.
1. Cooking Supplies
This one can be an exception for some. Personally, I love to cook and bake. So I told my mom to cancel my meal plan, because honestly I never eat school food. I can just cook for myself. Target has really great sets for this, because we all know there's a certain utensil for everything. I just got this basic pack of spoons, tongs and a spatula. A set of mixing bowls, and some pans. Oh, and a colander, can't forget that. As well as an onion chopper for Taco Tuesdays.
2. Bedding
This one is sort of obvious. I found a really nice set of sheets at Target, which is actually the best place to find Twin XL sheets. The sheets even have a pocket on the side. I will put snacks in there. (Just kidding, maybe.)
3. Keurig
Quick and easy. Ain't nobody got time for an actual coffee pot. My mom is an angel and bought me the mint blue one. I love pastels.
4. Cleaning supplies
Even though cleaning isn't my favorite activity, it needs to get done. My favorite thing to do is just get spray and Clorox wipes so that you can use them anytime, and everything will stay constantly clean and not build up and get sticky.
5. Dish soap or pods
Our apartment has a dishwasher, but you will always need some type of cleaner to wash your dishes. Don't be that person that puts foil in a bowl. This is not lazy life hacks.
6. Decorative pillows
These are not necessary at all, I just love them.
7. Trashcan
One for your room and one for the kitchen.
8. Entertainment
Whether it be games or a TV or your Xbox etc, you're going to want it, because we all know you're going to get bored even when you have homework to be done. My boyfriend's parents were nice enough to buy me a smart TV for my room. I love watching Youtube on a TV. I know what I'll be doing in my free time.
9. A rug or door mat
We all know there are rainy days and muddy shoes.
10. A comfy seat/chair/bean bag
You'll have a little bit more room in an apartment, so get yourself a nice chair to relax in. Instead of the one that comes with your desk and has almost killed you like 18 times. (Partially your fault for always leaning back too far, but still).
11. Microwaveable food
Another obvious one. You don't always feel like cooking or going out.
12. Towels, washcloths, etc
Get a few extra, because we all know most college students don't do laundry that often. I literally don't do it until I run out of things to wear.
13. Speaker
You know for all the ragers you're going to throw.
14. Medicine
Because you're mom won't be there to take care of you when you're sick.
15. Hangers
I can't tell you how many times I've put nice dresses into a drawer because I ran out of hangers.
16. Cups, plates, napkins, etc.
Plastic or paper, whichever you prefer. I'd say paper if you let your dishes at home get all crusty in the sink, ya nasty.
17. Toiletries
Whatever you need to look your best.
18. Apparel
Make sure to bring at least one heavy coat, unless you're in a hot climate of course. Also bring at least one professional outfit because I guarantee you're going to need it.
19. Extension cords, cable cords, ethernet cords
Some schools don't allow these, but if yours does, bring them.
20. Your smile
No one wants to live with a grumpy roommate!
Remember to read this when you're making your checklist for move-in day. Happy Apartment Living!