Growing up, I can remember feeling like just one of the guys all the time. There were times where I was one out of only maybe 3 girls on a tee-ball team, and the same went for my youth group and my friend group- a majority of guys and a couple of girls. Sometimes I secretly think my dad wanted me to be a boy, as he signed me up for Greg Maddox baseball camps and taught me about cars and hunting and everything else a dad should teach his....son. I don't really consider myself a tomboy after elementary school, as I became a cheerleader, debutante, and had a "clique" of my five best girl friends all throughout high school. But going from little interaction with girls to having almost 200 sisters has taught me that I still may be somewhat of a tomboy at heart.
1. I would still rather wear sneakers, athletic shorts, and t-shirs over anything else, anytime.
2. I catch myself rolling my eyes at 70 percent of today's fashion trends.
3. I am sarcastic with a dry sense of humor, and I have to remind myself that not all my sisters appreciate my humor as much as I do.
4. I had converse before converse were cool, and they are grungy and dirty and that's how i like it.
5. I almost always skip the fruity cocktails, a beer sounds good.
6. Throwing my hair in a Braves cap is the best I can do on a weekday.
7. Dark jeans count for Sunday best at Chapter, right???
8. ESPN notifications take superiority over Instagram notifications during college football season.
9. Before any social outing, the first thing I ask is "cute or bum?" with hopes of bum every single time.
10. I refuse to take pictures for longer than like 45 seconds. Sorry.
11. I hear phrases like "yaaasss" "AF" and "lit" and roll my eyes so hard they could get stuck there at any minute.
12. The only thing Lilly you'll ever catch me owning is the planner. It's a good planner.
13. If you take up my Saturday anytime September through November, there better be a TV and it better have the Dawgs playing.
14. With my crafting skills, I will never get a little. That's it I'm buying everything.
15. Pumpkin Spice anything is gross. Just nasty.
16. My guy friends from home always pull the jokes about me paying for friends, I don't even challenge it anymore.
17. The fact that people enjoy shopping and do it for fun really confuses me. I go in, get what I need, and get out as fast as possible.
18. I'm always the first one ready, I have mastered the 45 minute shower-hair-makeup-clothes process.
19. My music taste is a joke to my sisters- yall keep your Beyonce and Taylor Swift, and give me some 90s country.
20. Joining a sorority is one of the best decisions I've ever made and no matter how different we all may be, my sisters have my heart.