This Thanksgiving let's be thankful for everything, even the small things.
20 Things we need to be more thankful for...
1. Two parents in your life.
2. A house to live in.
3. Acess to fresh water.
4. The ability to run and exercise.
5. Loyal friends.
6. Living in a country that has freedom of religion.
7. The ability to vote.
8. Your imagination.
9. A relationship with a sister.
10. Not going to bed hungry.
11. The feeling of protection.
12. Good health.
13. The ability to walk.
14. Access to the internet.
15. A way to earn money.
16. The fact that we have a bed to sleep in.
17. A relationship with a brother.
18. New clothing to wear.
19. A cell phone.
20. A relationship with cousins.