I've been having a rough few weeks. Between coming home to Rhode Island after spending a week with my boyfriend in Maryland, my looming post-spring break school assignments that have been neglected all week, I'm ready for another break. Or, better yet, I'm ready to drop out of life for a while.
Unfortunately, I can't drop out of school, quit my job(s), and live in a cabin in the woods off the grid-- mostly because I've seen way too many horror movies to know why that's a bad idea, and partly because there are bugs in the woods. And I don't do bugs.
Nevertheless, I've had to barrel my way out of this funk and stay on track. The key to making it through is to give yourself some #selflove every now and then. Here are 20 ways I like to sit back and treat myself when I'm feeling down!
1. Clean your room.
Tidying things up will do wonders for your mood.
2. Make your bed.
Nothing feels better than a nice clean bed when you're sad!
3. Read a new book.
I've been obsessed with Rupi Kaur's Milk and Honey-- it's the perfect book to read when you need some beautiful words.
4. Buy some comic books.
This is (part of) my graphic novel/comic book collection. They're great for days when you can't quite focus on a book because the imagery is laid out for you right on the page. The story lines are great, and the illustrations are amazing! A good graphic novel will definitely take your mind off life for an hour or two.
5. Treat yourself to a new outfit.
Spruce up your wardrobe for a nice confidence boost.
6. Get your favorite drink from your favorite coffee shop.
Treat yourself to a little caffeine pick-me-up!
7. Go out to eat.
Whether it's with a friend or by yourself, a nice meal will cheer you up.
8. Walk around the mall.
Take in the shops and people, do some window shopping and take your mind off whatever it is that's got you down.
9. Take a walk around your neighborhood.
Explore your surroundings and enjoy the fresh air!
10. Watch a new show.
Netflix can be your best friend-- just be careful not to get caught up in an eight-hour binge sesh.
11. Write some bad poetry.
Writing is the best release for your negative emotions, and poetry is great because you don't always need to have a logical form. Just get your thoughts down on paper!
12. Play with a dog.
Who wouldn't feel better with a big ball of fluff trying to give you puppy kisses?
13. Give yourself a makeover.
Even if you don't go out, play around with your makeup and take some selfies.
14. Redecorate your shelves and walls.
Hang up some posters, put a few knickknacks up and make your space yours.
15. Get organized.
Clean up your space, make a list of what you need to get done and what your goals are, and watch it clear your mind.
16. Buy yourself flowers.
You'll be amazed by what a grocery store bouquet can do to liven a room-- and your mood.
17. Donate old clothes.
Clean up your wardrobe and help fill someone less fortunate; donate your old clothes to the Salvation Army, local thrift stores, and your church. It'll make you feel good knowing you may have brightened someone else's day too!
18. Have a spa day.
Draw a bath, light some candles, put on your favorite acoustic playlist, and get that charcoal mask ready. Treat yourself to a day of relaxation.
19. Try a craft.
Learn how to do something new with your hands-- sewing, candle making, painting, and so much more. Pinterest is the best place to go to get some creative inspiration!
20. Sleep it off.
You can't sleep all your problems away, but sometimes ending the day early is exactly what you need. Treat your body to a good night's rest.