It's official, I'm 20! Gone are my teenaged years as well as all the cringe-worthy mistakes and moves I've made in the past. I'm officially in my twenties now, and that is both terrifying and exciting. But seeing as I've only been 20 for not even a week, I have no way of gauging how this year or the next decade of my life is going to be. That being said, I know that my 20's have the potential to be some of the best years of my life. While down the line I figure I'll move out, get married, and start having kids, I really don't want to think about that right now because as of last week, I was still in my teens. But these are the things I'd like to do in my twenties:
1. Travel abroad
Everyone always says that now is the best (and cheapest) time to travel. Going abroad only gets more expensive after college, so I hope to study abroad or at the very least, travel to another country as soon as possible. Not to mention, I will most likely be too tied down in my 30's to go anywhere cool.
2. Start my career
I don't really know where I'll end up in college, but I hope that in my 20's I will build a career that I love. That may be in any city or town with whatever occupation I can get after college, but after 4 years of college, I want to be serious about my career.
3. Get in the best shape of my life
I mean lets face it, for all we know, I could be peaking right now. Getting in shape only gets harder as you get older, so in my 20's I would really like to be one of those people who can run a marathon or have a six-pack.
4. Save my money
I'll be the first to admit that I am a frivolous spender. But seeing as in my 20's I will have to give up my dependence on my parents and pay off my student loans, I should probably start maintaining a budget.
5. Learn to be self-sufficient
That being said, I need to make sure I can fill out tax forms, find an affordable apartment, and take care of myself. I'm a naturally independent person, but if I can't handle adult situations on my own, am I really an adult?
6. Take better care of myself
We've already talked about how this may be my peak and golden years. If that's the case, I should probably start flossing, invest in a good night cream, drink green juice, and wear sunscreen.
7. Remember how young I am
At times I feel like I experienced so much in 20 years. But I really haven't. I don't know anything. I have so much to learn and so many mistakes to make. I never want to feel like things are so bad in my life because I have barely even lived yet.
8. Accept love as it comes and goes
Whenever I complain to my mom about my drab love life she always reminds me that I'm going to meet and date so many people in my life. That's a strange concept to me, but probably true. I hope in my 20's, I'll accept whatever works out or goes down in flames.
9. Learn a new skill
Whether this be learning how to play the piano, type properly, or knit a sweater, the best time to try something new is right now.
8. Get a dog
For personal and obvious reasons. Dogs are love.
9. Visit as many people as I can
I want to visit my friends at their schools. I want to visit my aunts and uncles in faraway places. I want to visit my parents and brothers wherever they end up in the world.
10. Try something I've never done before
I need to take advantage of my youth and go do something crazy. Sky-diving anyone?
11. Make a hobby a passion
Maybe I'll write a book or start a business or make a blog, but I should probably do one of the many things that I say I will. I need to start "walking my talk."
12. Be more appreciative
Maybe now that I'm out of my bratty teenage years, I will appreciate the wonderful life God and my parents have given me. Because even when things feel bad, they could be so much worse.
13. Accept myself for who I am
Considering that I'll most likely be alive for the next 80 years (God willing), I should start being comfortable in my skin and start liking myself. No dramatic teen angst over here. Just a self-loving, confident woman in her twenties.
14. Trust in the unknown
I'm a planner at heart and love to lay out schedules and routines. In my 20's though, I really want to trust in the unknown and trust the fact that even though I have no idea where my life will take me, everything happens for a reason.
15. Cross-country road trip
There are so many cool places to visit in the United States and I've always wanted to take a big road trip with my best friends.
16. Meet my hero
For you that can be everyone. For me it's Taylor Swift. It's gotta happen in the next 10 years, right?
17. Attend a fancy event
I just really want an excuse to play dress up and wear an extremely expensive gown to a formal event. As a teenager, I had prom. But in my 20's, I would really like to attend a formal event with a black-tie dress code.
18. Develop a sense of style
I can admit I can be really lazy when it comes to getting dressed in the morning. Yeah maybe I wear groutfits a little too much. In my 20's, I need to try harder, especially if I'm trying to be professional and make people like me.
19. Always be up for adventure
I don't want to look back on my life and try to recall all the nights I got a good night sleep. I won't remember them. What I will remember are the nights I drove 3 hours for a concert or stayed up until 4 a.m. with my best friends.
20. Move on from my teenage years
We all make mistakes. We all have moments in our lives we want to forget. We all have memories that haunt us. But I don't want to live in the past or face life negatively because of my past experiences. I can't change the past and I don't want to live life with regrets. Whatever dumb things I did as a teenager made me the person I am now and I just need to let it all go.