Here are 20 things you understand if you have bad eyesight
(and I mean not being able to see what's 5 inches from your face eyesight)
1. Having to pay for an issue you were genetically given EVERY YEAR because your
eyes continue to get worse
2. Picking out frames, only to find out they are $500+ dollars WITHOUT the lenses.
-And yes that's with insurance.
3. The panicked first minute of waking up when you can't find your glasses on the nightstand
4. People like to try on your glasses just "for fun"
-Then say "WOW, you really CAN'T see." "Yeah. Crazy. Now give them back."
5. You hear "Oh my gosh, my eyes are bad too! They're like a minus three!"
-Sorry, but those with minor to moderately blurry vision, you can't relate…
6. You oftentimes hear "you should get Lasik!"
-Oh, honey, I would if it wasn't crazy expensive and a surgery on the most sensitive
part of your face.
7. Weather permitting issues make for difficult days in glasses
-When it's too hot or muggy your glasses will fog up. If it rains you will have cloudy
and wet glasses, you can't see out of. And wiping them makes it worse.
8. You hear "How many fingers am I holding up?!" One too many times.
Becky, please get your fingers out of my face.
9. Anytime you stay over-night somewhere you must worry about a contacts case
and solution…
-You got to pop them out at the last minute, so you don't miss anything
10. You sometimes put on contact lenses in the morning JUST to apply makeup.
Then you pop them off, put on your glasses, and go.
11. You've heard the phrase "four-eyes" one too many times.
-It's not exactly offensive just SUPER annoying.
12. People worry about the dentist visit, but you get to worry about the optometrist
13. You were the kid who sat too close to the TV and probably went too long without the proper vision care because your parents didn't know how bad it was.
14. You legally can't drive at night because your eyesight is awful, and everything
blurs together.
15. We've all ran out of our prescription contacts before we realize its too late and
end up waiting weeks for the prescription to get in.
16. You squint a lot because for some odd scientific reason, you can see better.
17. You might not be able to participate in certain activities because your glasses
could fall off or get broken. FUN
18. Everyone thinks you're the smartest person in the room because you wear
-No, I will not do your homework
19. You roll your eyes when you see people wear non-prescription glasses for "style".
20. You make people uncomfortable because you can touch your eyeball with no
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