They say your 20's should be full of fun, happiness and success. It is a time where you transition out of being a teenager and into being an adult. With this comes new responsibilities and new standards to uphold. While people say you should always be young at heart, there are some things we need to let go of eventually. There are some things you should just stop doing. Here are 20...
1. Stop spending all your money on stupid things.
Start saving so that you can look towards your future.
2. Stop staying up until 3 a.m. every morning. Your body needs sleep!
3. Stop acting like you are invincible.
You aren't. So stop making everyone who cares about you worried and start thinking about the dangers before doing something.
4. Stop comparing yourself to others.
See your own potential, your own talents, and your own positives. We aren't all the same, and we need to stop trying to be.
5. Stop conforming to society's expectations and start living up to your own.
6. Stop procrastinating.
Life only gets busier and more hectic. No one is going to want to hire someone who takes five hours to complain about a task prior to completing it.
7. Stop being so hard on yourself.
You can't be the best at everything. Some things are going to take a little more effort and the important part is how hard you tried.
8. Stop being afraid to be alone.
Whether it be a physical trip someone or headed into your future, don't be afraid to go by yourself. Be independent and stop relying so heavily on others.
9. Stop being afraid of the future and face it head on.
10. Stop neglecting your health.
Whether it be drinking 10 cups of coffee to get through a day or getting black out drunk every Friday night, STOP. Start taking care of your body before it's too late.
11. Stop trying to please everyone.
Someone will always dislike you and when you are constantly trying to make everyone else like you, it's easy to lose sight of who you are and stop liking yourself.
12. Stop following and start leading.
13. Stop saying you don't have time to go to the gym.
There is time in everyone's schedule to go to the gym and if you don't make it a habit now, it will be way harder to make it a habit in the future when your life gets more chaotic.
14. Stop getting involved in drama.
Just because you are out of high school doesn't mean there won't be drama, but it is so important to stop being a part of it. Don't get dragged down by drama about you and don't get sucked in to being a part of drama about someone else.
15. Stop ignoring others' perspectives.
You could actually learn a lot by listening to them.
16. Stop feeling like you need to do your hair and your makeup every day.
Start being comfortable with your natural beauty.
17. As a side note to #16, absolutely STOP wearing makeup to bed.
The effects to your skin and pillow cases are detrimental.
18. Stop saying you don't have time for your friends and family.
Make time. They are the ones who have been and will be there when you need support or someone to help you navigate your problems.
19. Stop putting effort into things that don't matter.
20. Stop living in the past and start looking towards your future.