There are many things that we learn in our young adult life that
will change us forever. Some we don’t always realize until many years later.
Exiting your teenage years and entering your twenties may not seem like much,
but there are momentous things you go through in those years that greatly shape
you as a person. As I am a few months into my second decade on this earth, I
already wish I had known a lot more about life than I do now. I have had to
learn most of
Nobody owes you anything
At a young age, we often feel like we are entitled to a lot of things. We are told that if you work hard, stay in school, and are nice to people then life will hand you everything you need to be successful. This is oh so wrong. Some day’s people will be awful to you, or you will get fired, or your car will break down. You will think, “I don’t deserve this!” and you probably don’t. The thing is, the universe doesn’t care. You just have to brush it off and keep trying to be the best person you can be.
It is OK to leave any place or person at any time if it is no longer good for you
You never have to stay in any situation. You always have a way out.
Don’t be afraid of change
Once you graduate high school, life is never the same. You end up going in a wide variety of paths, most of which take you out of the home you grew up in. It is terrifying to make decisions that change your life drastically. Everything can change in the course of a day and you need to be prepared to roll with the punches. Always remember that nothing is constant.
Friends can break your heart, too
You may think that the feeling of your heart being utterly ripped to shreds can only come from a lover. Actually, the ones that hold you secrets, and were there for you in ways you didn’t understand were possible, can feel like a greater loss when they leave you. Hold your friends close, but know that they could easily ruin you if they so choose.
Be silly, but know when it’s time to be professional
Nobody wants to work with the person who can’t be taken seriously. People care about their work and won’t want to trust someone who is too childish.
It’s okay to start over
Major didn’t work out the way you wanted? School not for you after all? Is your long-term relationship not good for you? Don’t know what to even do with your life? That’s okay. Take a deep breath, change your direction, and start walking again.
Own up to your mistakes
You’re an adult now and when you mess up you have to accept the fault. No more pointing fingers and wishing away the embarrassment or anger. You did this you fix it.
Travel anywhere and everywhere when you can
Seeing the world can change how you view everything.
Learn to listen
Don’t just yell out the first thing you think of and interrupt people. Take a moment to craft each phrase you let pass your lips. Listen to the person you are conversing with and truly listen to what they are saying.
Life hurts
There will be times where your situation is just deeply unfavorable. No matter what has happened to you or how hard to work to stay happy, the sadness will find you. Pain will wrack your body and make it feel as if you will never feel all right again. You will be okay, and you will make it out of this feeling.
You will have moments of terrible loneliness
There will be those nights you lie awake in bed and suddenly it feels huge and cold with just you in it. You need to learn to love your own company and be comfortable with your own thoughts. Nobody can soothe you like you can. It is an amazing thing to be able to appreciate yourself and what your mind contains. It is not an easy task but just work at it little by little.
Find your voice
Everyone needs a way to express themselves in this chaotic world. Find the way that makes the most sense to you to say what you feel. Write, paint, design, formulate, or do whatever it is that makes the world simpler in your mind and show the world what is inside you.
Don’t let this cruel world make you hard
The world is filled with unspeakable things that can make anyone not want to ever look out their window. Between wars, terrorism, hunger, and any sort of injustice it makes it hard to believe that there is any good left on earth. Don’t fall into this mindset because there is so much beauty and good to be seen. Sometimes you have to look harder to find the things that make you smile and restore your faith in humanity. Just never stop looking.
Don’t keep people around who are negative influences
You are growing and you don’t need people bringing you down.
You are not broken, just a work in progress
Sometimes it feels as if we are not good enough. We go through tough things in life that cause us to have insecurities, doubt, and anxiety. You are a whole person who has flaws just like everyone else.
Tell you parents and grandparents you love them
No matter what kind of relationship you had as an angsty teen, they won’t live forever. You don’t want to miss the chance to tell them that you do, in fact, actually care.
You don’t need to be with someone to feel happy
This goes back to learning to enjoy your own company. You need to learn how to put the light in your own eyes instead of relying on others to do it. Find things that you can do alone that make you happy and comfortable. Happiness can only be found briefly in bright eyes or between someone’s legs. Once the excitement subsides, you are left with yourself.
Comparison will kill you, be proud of what you have accomplished
Don’t feel like you need to be better than everyone else. Work hard on what you are meant to do.
Everyone will let you down at some point
Everyone from your father, all the way to your closest friends will do it. Be strong, and remember that it is human nature.
Listen to your inner voice and heed its warnings; it is usually right
You know what is best for you. Trust your instincts.