I have five months before turning 20, and I know everyone wants to enter their twenties with a bang. Here are 20 things to do before turning 20.
1. Get a tattoo
I got my tattoo at 18. I really wanna add number 2, but that may have to wait. If you don't like needles, that is okay, get a henna tattoo!
2. Road trip with your best friends!
It doesn't have to be out of state, a day road trip to a big city nearby is still tons of fun, plus it's a great getaway!
3. Try a new food (maybe something you think you won't like).
Ohhh! I recently did this! I am so proud of myself! I am SUCH a picky eater. I recently tried sushi, I don't remember what kind, but I really liked it! I also tried duck a few months ago! Again, that was delicious!
4. Go skinny dipping.
I haven't done this, my friends have done this. They are a lot braver than I am. This is simply just a suggestion.
5. Make a blanket fort with your closest friends.
We are all secretly kids at heart. Who doesn't love a great blanket fort?
6. Go to a gay bar.
One of the best things to do on the weekends, we have a nice gay bar close to my campus and it is soooooo much fun! The atmosphere is great!
7. Sleep under the stars.
This just sounds relaxing. Someone, please do this with me.
8. Learn a foreign language.
I have taken Spanish, I can not speak fluent Spanish. But, please for me, someone learn a new language.
9. Let a grudge go.
Entering your twenties is like letting something go, so why not let an old grudge go? I'm sure the grudge is petty, and not really worth it.
10.Break your comfort zone.
Get out there! Do something you normally wouldn't, like trying a new food!
11. Start a journal
Writing will help you express your thoughts, it'll help you release a lot of pent up stress and anger.
12. Take a class you may not need.
Take a useless class, it may not pertain to your major but at least you'll get a credit for it!
13. Do something rebellious
Cut your hair off, dye it pink, pierce something! Do something CRAZY.
14. Read
Take a break, read a book. Relax your mind.
15. Take a break from technology.
Turn off your phone. Step away from Netflix. Go outside. Your mind and your body will thank you.
16. Date.. yourself
Dating is cool and all, but date yourself first. Learn to take care of yourself and your needs before committing to someone else.
17. Write out your goals
Write out a bulleted list of long and short term goals! This will make them seem easier to achieve.
18 Find your passion
Whether it be knitting, cooking, writing, or snowboarding everyone is passionate about something. You just have to experiment to find out what it is.
19. Learn to cook
This is essential. How are you going to adult if you can't cook? You cannot live off of ramen for the rest of your life.
20. Have fun.
Let go every once and a while. Go out with friends. Forget out your responsibilities. Enjoy being young.
Your twenties will be one of the best times in your life, sit back and enjoy them!