Thanksgiving. One of the few times a year it is socially acceptable to eat more food than humanly possible and make fun of your relatives, all while enjoying a delicious home cooked meal. However, amongst all the hustle and bustle of the holidays, it's important to keep in mind what's really important and be thankful for everything we have. So here's a list of a things that everyone should be thankful for this holiday season.
1. Friends
2. Family
3. Food
4. A warm home
5. Love from your everyone around you
6. Siblings returning home from college
7. Cool weather
8. Warm Sweaters
9. Pumpkin Spice Lattes (even though Dunkin Donuts is better)
10. Changing leaves
11. Warm Socks
12. Safety
13. Good health
14. Dreams and goals
15. Having a job
16. Having a bed to sleep in
17. Being able to go home
18. Being alive
19. Being happy
20. Being yourself
All too often people forget to see the bigger picture of life. It's not necessarily about the biggest moments but rather the moments that you won't ever get back. Take a moment to take in your surroundings. Appreciate everything you have at this moment. Because in a year, nothing will be the same.