College dorms, a land of unchartered territory for many freshman. While many of these things are very well described as disgusting, that is just part of the experience. Enjoy it while you can because when you are thirty and living your life in a suit with two children named Jacob and Emma you will wish you were back in the land of vomit-stained carpets and uncomfortable RA's. Here are the 20 things that will definitely happen on your freshman dorm floor:
1. You will walk into your favorite stall in your communal bathroom (don't act like you don't have a preferred stall) only to find that it is covered in throw up: Chances are the cleaning crew will not clean it for what seems like forever, but you will also feel ill when going within a 30ft radius of the contaminated area. WARNING: Febreeze will only make it smell worse.
2. Someone will think it’s acceptable to shower once per week: If you are this person, let me just tell you, IT IS NOT OKAY. Please go bathe. Everybody will thank you.
3. There will be that one person that you see for the first time during finals week and suddenly realize they have lived there all year: "Wait, what? Excuse me, who are you?" Not everybody will want to go on your hall outings to Canes even though many people believe the sauce is essentially a gift from God.
4. People will think they are Mario and smash the ceiling tiles: Oh yes, please, go ahead and just break everything-- it's not like we pay enough to live here already.
5. You will meet someone's shag in the bathroom and immediately follow them to see who's room they return to: "Who did you say you were staying with? Oh you don't remember his name? You guys met last night? Oh okay, I've got it now. We are all clear."
6. You will find poop somewhere that it is absolutely not supposed to go: I cannot explain it and do not even want to try, but it will happen and you will be disgusted. Embrace it. Accept it. Prepare for it. It's real.
7. Your neighbors will know you better than anyone because you have intoxicated conversations with them when you come home: "Wait, can I have some of that week-old Chinese food?"
8. There will be an evacuation at 3am because somebody forgot to put water in their Easy Mac: Okay, maybe not only microwaveable mac and cheese. I will not be limiting. There are so many things you can catch on fire: popcorn, hot pockets, the actual microwave, the possibilities really are endless.
9. Someone will be sexiled and left to sleep in the hall until someone agrees to take them in: Don't be afraid to let this person sleep on your floor, you never know when you will need the favor repaid.
10. There will be "hallcest": It is bound to happen. Just remember that when you live in a small area with a large amount of people, word travels fast.
11. There will be one person who thinks it is totally okay to not wear pants: There are days where pants just are not in the cards. But not everybody wants to see you walk around in your boxers every single day. No, it does not make my morning more enjoyable.
12. Someone will think quiet hours during finals is a suggestion not a rule: "Really, do you need to be playing dubstep right now? I have a final tomorrow that I have to get a 103 on to get a B." There are plenty of time for you to party it up with your Monster SuperStar BackFloat (a waterproof, bluetooth, floating speaker) and then there are times .. like these, hint hint… that you need to use your Monster ClarityHD Headphones. Either works wonders for your tunes game.
13. Almost everybody will use your whiteboard as a place to show their artistic side and by that I mean draw male anatomy: If you put it up there expect the worst. Who knows, you could get lucky and have that really attractive soccer player leave his number on there too. But not likely, don't get your hopes up.
14. Your RA will either want to party with you or have the nose of a drug dog, there is no in between: You will either hear "that's a candle-- $150" or "I see your giant bottle of Ciroc hiding behind your dresser, have any shot glasses?
15. Someone will try to convince your RA to break the rules when your hall goes out together: It is good to be friends with your RA, they are people too! But, maybe they are the friends you ask to join you for movie night, not bar hopping. It all just depends!
16. There will be that guy that intentionally puts on a towel for fire drill: No, you were not in the shower at 4 o'clock in the morning. Nobody is thinking about how nice your muscles look, they are thinking about how much your personality annoys them.
17. You will be regularly annoyed by drunk people inconveniently deciding to have fun while you are stuck studying: "Take me with you, I beg of you." And then the next two hours will be spent binge eating fruit snacks and pretending they were cocktail flavored.
18. Every girl on your hall will begin to develop a crush on that cute boy that always walks through your hall to the second floor or that you run into in the laundry room: The way he pours that fabric softener, wow.
19. Everyone on your hall will be best friends until three weeks into school where you begin to branch out: It is natural to latch onto these people in the beginning but it is also natural to find people you mesh with in other areas.
20. But, some of the people you meet on your hall will become your best friends forever: While you will not stay best friends with every single person in your hall, you will most likely meet people that you will keep relationships with throughout the rest of college and even on from there!