1. You start talking to yourself.
2. You learn to cook for one.
3. You still grocery shop as if you were grocery shopping for the both of you.
4. You create a shrine to them out of their bed.
5. You realize you don't have their closet as a clothing resource anymore.
6. When you think you hear the door being unlocked you get excited -- and then realize they aren't here to open it.
7. You learn to take care of the apartment on your own.
8. You miss rolling over and seeing whatever crazy sleeping position they would be in.
9. There is no one to automatically be your friend four feet away from you.
10. No one is there to tell you if your outfit looks okay...
11. ... Which means that you send them pictures from all angles, under all the good lighting around the apartment, which they, too, know exactly where is.
12. Daily FaceTimes become a must.
13. Most of those FaceTimes consist of just sitting in silence, because it resembles actually being in the same room.
14. Your other friends grow tired of hearing you say "When _____ lived here..."
15. You send them pictures of inside jokes that you now laugh out on your own, alone, in your apartment.
16. You realize you don't leave the apartment, because your roommate was the one who always went places with you.
17. Everyone tells you how much more fun you were with your roommate.
18. You send them pictures of everything you do every single day.
19. No one is there to be weird with you.
20. You miss your person.