As I have grown older, I have come to truly see all that mothers do in order to balance all the crazy ups and downs of their own lives while simultaneously caring for their children. Since I am a college student who can barely comb her own hair, this is basically some sort of superhuman ability in my eyes. More often than not, these outstanding women do not receive the praise and gratitude they deserve, so here are 20 things to thank your mother for.
1. Hugging you at the end of a long day.
2. Supporting all of your weird interests or short lived hobbies.
3. Always doing your laundry whenever you don't feel up to it.
4. Taking care of you when you're sick and teaching you how to care for yourself when she can't be there.
5. Never judging you whenever you call to ask how long something should go in the microwave for.
6. Reminding you to make your bed.
7. Showing you what unconditional love is supposed to be like.
8. Laughing at some of your worst jokes.
9. Singing in the car with you.
10. Cooking your favorite meals for you, even if it's not what she wants.
11. Not getting too mad whenever you forget to get her a card for her birthday or Mother's Day.
12. Being honest whenever your makeup looks bad.
13. Pushing you to be the best you can be.
14. Listening to all of your drama and gossip, no matter how small or large.
15. Teaching you all of the things you won't learn in school (such as how to not ruin your laundry or how to create a resume).
16. Cleaning up after you, even when she doesn't want to.
17. Giving you the best life advice.
18. Loving you no matter what.
19. Being a best friend that you never have to worry will lead you astray.
20. Simply being her.