Your 20s is the time in your life when you really "become who you are," and emerge as an adult to take responsibility for your actions and the world around you. As Chaka Khan once said, "When I was in my twenties, it felt like I was riding wild horses, and I was hoping I didn’t go over a cliff." So here are 20 things to stop doing to make your 20s more worthwhile.
1. Deciding your worth based on "likes."
It's okay if you didn't break 100 likes. I promise. No one is actually checking anyways and if someone is, then they've got their own issues to deal with. Double or triple-digit "likes" do not make you enough.
2. Comparing yourself to your friends.
It's not a competition to see who can get the best job the fastest, or to see who can move out of their parent's house and make it the longest without coming home. It's not a competition or a race because sometimes the best things in life take time. It's very unlikely for you to just wind up at your dream job right after graduation. You might not be ready just yet, but that's okay. Just keep working towards what you want and hang out with people who will help push you to get there.
3. Staying in a relationship because you're scared to be alone.
Or maybe you're scared that there's no one else around and that you'll have to deal with dating again. So you stay in your unhappy relationship in your 20s and pray that things will somehow get better as life goes on. That's one of the stupidest things I've ever heard, but hey I'm single, what do I know, right?
4. Feeling the need to justify your choices.
You don't need to justify your choices or decisions to anyone. If you don't want to do something, don't. If you want to do something, do it. If you fail, that's great! At least you tried to go after something you wanted.
5. Looking for reassurance that you are enough.
You are enough. You are enough. You are enough. You don't need to base your self-worth on someone else's opinion of you because you are worth way more than that. You should be your own biggest fan. Take the time to love yourself and see your own self-worth. You're awesome! Feel it, love it, and accept it. No one defines your self-worth except for you.
6. Allowing anyone to tell you that you're not capable because you're "young."
You're in your 20s, that is the perfect time to do anything you set your mind on! Don't let anyone look down on you because of your age. Don't let anyone tell you that you're not old enough to get shit done because you are, (even in your 20s.)
7. Still hanging out with toxic people.
Cut the cord and let those people go. Sometimes it can be difficult to walk away from those friendships, but it's needed in order to allow yourself to grow.
8. Letting other people's fear dictate your decisions.
A lot of people will tell you that you can't do something, but most of the time it's because they're scared to do it. Don't let other people's imposed fear control your life and stop you from going after what you really want.
9. Talking about improving your life but never actually doing anything about it.
Write a list, prioritize the shit you need to get done to reach your goals and set a deadline. Hold yourself accountable and if you're incapable of holding yourself accountable, then find someone in your life who will.
10. Never leaving your comfort zone.
The "comfort zone" is a place where dreams go to die because nothing great ever happens there. Leave your comfort zone; I encourage you to fail, live, learn, and pick yourself up to do it again until you stop failing and start becoming successful.
11. Keeping your life cluttered.
All these "just in case" reasons you tell yourself are bullshit. They're a way for you to hold onto things you've got no business holding onto. Keeping all this extra clutter around will do nothing for you other than clutter your mind.
12. Doing things out of obligation.
You aren't obligated to do anything. Don't say yes when you want to say no. Set your boundaries and don't let anyone force you to cross them. You're in control of your life, no one else is.
13. Thinking you need to know everything right away.
You don't need to know everything, no one knows everything. No one is perfect so stop holding yourself to such unachievable standards. Work on discovering yourself a little bit more every day, then you can really use what you've learned to be the most effective at what you're good at.
14. Thinking you need to be married in your 20s or your life is a giant failure.
Newsflash: you won't die alone if you're not married by 29. You don't need to own a home, be married, engaged, or do anything to be seen as "having it all together." Give it a rest and just live your life.
15. Not taking the time to heal.
You don't have to be fine all the time. Don't ignore your pain, acknowledge it. You just got dumped? Take some time to be sad, your heartbreak is real. It's normal to feel sad and it's good for your growth.
16. Judging the shit out of everyone.
No one is perfect, no one. Stop being so critical of others. People will mess up, fail, cry, take ugly photos; It's all a part of life. Stop judging someone because they wore the same outfit twice in one month. It isn't the end of the world, (I promise.)
17. Deciding you'll only do things when you have the money.
That's a terrible mindset. How often have you not done something because you don't think you can afford it, however, you buy a $5 coffee every day? It's all about prioritizing what's most important.
18. Being afraid to ask for help.
Asking for help is not a weakness, asking for help makes you smart. You can't pour out of an empty cut, so make sure you're getting yourself the help you need.
19. Acting like you're never wrong.
Being wrong is a great way to learn for next time. You don't want to be the smartest person in the room because then you don't have anything to learn from the experience. Keep an open mind and accept when you're wrong so that you can be better next time.
20. Stop hanging out with people who aren't going anywhere in life.
Surround yourself with successful people, people who have their head on straight and people who are motivated as hell. Once you stop hanging out with people who are stagnant, you will start thriving. It's a harsh reality, but it's the truth. You become who you hang out with. Have you heard the saying that the 5 closest people to you are a direct reflection of who you are? Make sure those people are ambitious and it'll help you stay on track to reach your goals.