Once you hit college, most people consider you to be an adult. But most things I still do aren't cute for an adult.
1. Whining about needing a nap
2. Taking at least one nap almost every day
3. Letting laundry pile up for my mom to do the next time I go home
4. Not having a job
5. Spending my parents money
6. Giving people the silent treatment
7. Watching Netflix when I know I should be doing homework
8. Having my roommate read 90% of my texts to guys before I send them because "I don't know how to talk to them"
9. Killing a bug by spraying it with air freshener because it "seemed easier"
10. Cleaning everything with Clorox wipes because I don't want to buy different products for the shower, floor, sink, etc
11. Staying up until 2:00 am during the week
12. Sleeping with a light on because I heard a creepy noise and I'm home alone
13. Eating more candy than an "adult" should
14. Still owning body glitter from Claire's
15. Relying on spellcheck for words like restaurant, lieutenant, and meringue
16. Being moved to tears, unexpectedly, by a Taylor Swift song
17. Never wanting to dirty a dish
18. And when there are dishes, letting them pile up before soaking them in the sink for hours.
19. Never cooking a real meal, mainly because I don't know how
20. And if I ever have to adult, I complain about it endlessly