1. Today’s going to be a good day.
2. Oh no, it’s Valentine’s Day.
3. It’s 10am, why are there already so many cringy Instagram pictures?
4. I don’t need a man, I have my mom. My mom loves me.
5. I can buy myself candy and flowers, I can be an independent woman.
6. Why would you even want a boyfriend so young? Life is so fun without one!
7. *Sees a couple holding hands* I want a boyfriend.
8. Those huge teddy bears are so impractical, what do you even do with it after today?
9. Ugh, I want someone to like me enough to buy me a big teddy bear.
10. My bed will be my date tonight.
11. I didn’t have to shave my legs today, so who is the real winner?
12. Do half of these couples realize they’ll be broken up by next Valentine’s Day?
13. You’ve been together two weeks, stop talking about how much you love each other.
14. For the love of GOD please keep the pet names off of where I can see them.
15. Valentine’s Day is all commerical now anyways, it’s not even about love anymore.
16. OH MY GOD look what (insert friend’s name here)’s boyfriend got her! I wish someone would buy that for me.
17. Flowers die anyways, why would I want that.
18. Flowers are so pretty.
19. Maybe I’ll just apply to be on The Bachelor.
20. I can’t wait until candy is 50% off tomorrow.