Servers take the brunt of everything and smile through it all before they walk away from your table. However, most of the reasons you're upset are because of things that can easily be prevented.
1. Don't say you're ready to order if you're not ready to order.
In that one minute while you said "umm" four times and scanned the menu, I could have gone and got another table's drink orders, run the other table's credit card or refilled another table's basket. This backs up a lot of things.
2. If you are going to bring kids into the restaurant and they DO make a LARGE mess, tip a little better.
Once you leave, I have to clean up mushy rice and spills on the floor. In return, this results in me getting skipped out on a table since I am cleaning up your kid's mess, and no table equals no tip.
3. If you need a high chair, DO NOT get a booth and have the high chair sticking out at the end and in the walk way.
Servers carrying hot AND heavy food could trip and potentially hurt themselves and possibly your child. Plus, the front of the table is our distribution area. When a baby is sitting there, it makes things a lot more difficult.
4. Don't ask me to make sure your drink is strong.
That is considered a "double shot." If you want more alcohol, you will have to pay for it.
5. Extra is going to be, well, extra.
Everything is portioned, so when you say, "Can I get extra dressing?" it is going to cost you extra. Those are restaurant rules.
6. Don't order things that are not on the menu and then get angry when it takes a while to make it.
If you need a custom order, call ahead so we can give you a better experience. The cooks are trained to make what is on the menu, not to make a custom order.
7. When you make modifications to your food, don't get mad at your SERVER if it comes out wrong.
Like I said before, the COOKS are trained to make what is on the menu. When they accidentally put onions on something that you asked for no onions on, nine times out of 10, it is the kitchen's error.
8. Don't complain if you eat your side dishes first and then say that your main dish is cold.
That one is self-explanatory.
9. Don't eat everything on your plate and then say that you didn't like your food.
Three or four bites is fine, but if you eat the whole thing "because you were hungry," you're going to have a hard time getting that remade and comped off.
10. Servers do not have ANY control on the amount of time it takes to get your food out.
ESPECIALLY if you get something that needs to be put on the grill. We also do not have any control on the temperature of the food or on the color of the meat.
11. The average wait time for your food is about 15 minutes from when you ORDER.
Not from when you sit down. Don't say that you have been waiting for your food for an hour when you sat there for 20 minutes before even ordering your drinks.
12. Don't bring in 50 million coupons and then tip based on the discounted price.
Tip on the quality of service that was provided.
13. If you're in a rush, let us know as soon as you sit down.
14. Don't ask the person running your food to get you anything.
Wait for your server. Nine times out of 10, if you ask the food runner for something, they are NOT going to tell the server, which in turn, pisses everyone off. The food runner's job is to run food and to make sure everything is in the right place. As soon as your food comes out, about one minute later, your server will come to do a taste check. That is the time to ask for anything.
15. No, you cannot have a sample of the food.
If you're unsure about the sauce, we can get you sauce, but no, you can not have a sample of the shrimp to see what it tastes like.
16. Most restaurants will give you something complimentary for the TABLE (four people).
That does not mean you can ask for five refills and then get mad when you get charged for them.
17. Key words.
"Another" and "new" are basically universal words for "it's not free."
18. We don't give you a table instead of the oh-so-sought-after booths for no reason.
We have a rotation going so that each server gets the right time in between customers to provide a good experience and to make sure that we're all making close tips. When you are sat, you are sat in a section. When you move to someone else's section because you want a booth right after they JUST got sat, that is putting a damper on your dining experience since you will have to wait longer until they get caught up.
19. Please DO NOT "bus" your table before you leave.
As servers, we each have our own strategic way of how we can stack up 15 things at once. So with that said, please do not stick everything into your cup. I do NOT want to have to get all your wet items out of a cup. Also, stop blowing your nose into our napkins. Please use your own personal napkin/handkerchief for that. We already come into contact with enough germs.
20. We are people, too!
Please don't snap your fingers at us or cut us off during our introduction. If you notice, only some servers introduce themselves instead of "What can I get you to drink" and that's because we genuinely want you to have a good experience. We are servers, not servants. A little respect goes a long way.
Well, there you go. My little two cents. I am a Lead Server/Shift Lead and a Server's Trainer. I typically have about a 8-12 table section. These are all problems that I have run into one time or another and, sometimes, multiple times per shift. Are you guilty of any or do you have any pet peeves? Add them to the list.