If you're anything like me, you're probably sitting on the couch, filled with post-holiday sadness. All of the best parts of winter break are now over, and you still have two weeks before the new semester begins. But have no fear--there are plenty of things to do with your time that'll keep you from being bored. Here are 20 things you can do with the remainder of your winter break:
1. Have an all-day Netflix marathon.
I mean, this is kind of a given over winter break, but if you haven't done so already, definitely do it. Put on your sweatpants, grab your favorite snacks, and veg out in your bed while streaming your favorite show. Be the couch potato you've always wanted to be.
Don't be ashamed of it.
2. Build a pillow fort.
Yes, I understand you're not a kid anymore, but everyone is a kid on the inside. I know you've sat on your couch, covered in pillows and blankets galore, and have always wanted to make a fort. So get your siblings and your friends over for some quality bonding time and build a pillow fort: perfect for Netflix streaming.
^Wait for it...
3. Read the book you've been meaning to read for months now.
C'mon, don't play. I know there's a book sitting on your nightstand, and I also know you vowed to read it over winter break. And yet, the pages look fresh--too fresh. Grab a cup of tea and a blanket and crack that sucker open.
4. Better yet, visit your local library.
Libraries are severely underrated, so I would highly suggest visiting yours ASAP. Librarians are pretty cool people and the library is filled with pretty good books, so what's not to love?
5. Write in a journal. For FUN.
*gasp* I know, I know...writing? FUN? But trust me--not only is it fun, but it's also very therapeutic. So if you're feeling the post-holiday sadness still, write about it. And who knows? Maybe one day your journal will be published because your writing was so damn good and now you're like the next Beyoncé. You're welcome.
6. *IF WEATHER PERMITS* Go outside and play in the snow.
Do you want to build a snowman? Yeah, you do.
7. Play a board game.
Nothing like breaking out the good ol' Monopoly board and watching your friendships crumble over fake, plastic properties.
8. Have a dance party.
This can be a solo act or a huge banger, but put on your favorite jams and get to groovin'.
I recommend anything by Beyoncé--she is QUEEN.
9. Have a movie marathon with friends.
Pop the corn, pour the soda, and grab the chocolate--it's time to watch all eight Harry Potter movies...in a ROW.
10. Paint your nails.
I swear by this one. Painting your nails a bright color in the middle of cold and dreary winter will automatically boost your spirits every time you look down and see bright pink fingernails. This also helps to cure post-holiday sadness. Don't be afraid to get fancy with it either--put some effort into those things and make a flower or something.
11. Write letters to your loved ones.
I'm sure you have friends and family who you don't get to see every day because of the distance. Sit down and take the time to write them a letter. Not only will it brighten their day, but you'll feel relaxed and probably get a sweet reply in return...hopefully.
Tip: Buy pretty stationery and a smooth pen. It really makes a difference.
12. Finish a 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle.
I don't know if this is just my inner nerd/grandma speaking, but I've always wanted to sit down and finish a 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle. I mean, it's not like I don't have the time to.
13. Clean your room/closet.
It's hard to keep it clean when you're constantly moving between two different places throughout the year. But by now, the infamous clothes chair is truly nowhere to be found and suitcases are strewn wide open across the floor. And the closet? You've tried to avoid opening it for months. But it's time. Plus, Mom won't have to ask you anymore to clean it.
14. Learn how to cook.
Frozen foods will only get you so far, my friend. Channel your inner Betty Crocker and whip up something tasty to surprise your family with. You'll probably surprise yourself, too--hopefully in a good way.
15. Get Pinterest crafty.
We all have Pinterest boards, but most of us never actually complete the things we pin. That all changes during winter break. Pull up a fun craft, head to Michael's, and get your Martha Stewart on. I recommend making a Dream Board: a cork board with all of your hopes and dreams you want to achieve on it. It'll help you to stay motivated and make your goals a reality.
16. Exercise.
Ugh, the dreaded gym. Exercise sucks, but we all have to do it, especially after the holidays. It's good for you and it'll make you feel good, too. So if you don't like the gym, try some fun in-home exercises. Zumba videos are super fun to follow.
17. Invest in a coloring book.
You will not regret this investment. Coloring is so relaxing, not to mention fun. Let your inner child be free.
18. Visit all your favorite restaurants before you head back to school.
Hit up those restaurants that serve the food that your dining hall unfortunately doesn't. Fill up before you have to go back to eating wilted lettuce, raw chicken, and frozen food.
19. Use this time to catch up on applications/assignments.
While you have extra time on your hands, complete that summer internship application you've been meaning to submit. Or, work on a personal project you've wanted to finish. It'll be less stress later when the new semester hits you like a ton of bricks.
20. Spend as much time with your family as possible.
This one is often overlooked. You get so caught up in scheduling times to see your friends that are home from college that you often forget your own family wants to see you too. Make sure you schedule them into your book too, because before you know, it'll be back to school.
Pick one of these things from the list to do every day, and you'll never be bored! Adios, post-holiday sadness, and hello winter break fun.