To be tall is actually quite an honor, as we belong to a small percentage worldwide. In America, only 14% of men are 6 foot or over, while just 10% of women are 5 foot 7 inches or over. So in honor of belonging to such a slim but prestigious percentage, here are 19 things only tall people will understand!
1.Everyone always says, “Wow you’re so tall!!” and follow up with “How tall are You?”
If I had a dollar every time I was asked this...
2. “Do you play basketball or volleyball?”
The follow-up question that is almost always asked right after telling the person just exactly how tall you are.
3. People always make the cheesy joke, “How’s the weather up there?”
For the record, it's exactly the same.
4. Finding clothes that actually fit is nearly impossible.
Looking for pants that fit your long legs? Good luck.
5. Riding in Cars, Planes, buses, and any other type of transportation never gives enough leg room.
Nothing like a long flight or ride with your knees jammed into the seat in front of you.
6. Getting the best view at a concert
Until the short people behind you complain you're in the way
7. Being longer than your bed
Pretty hard to get a good night's sleep when your bed is smaller than you
8. “Need Something off the top shelf? I got this.
And of course, there’s the classic getting something off of a high shelf that someone else can’t reach.
9. Worrying about hitting your head on doorways and signs
No matter how hard you pay attention to where you’re going, there will always be that embarrassing moment of you hitting your head on a doorway or low hanging sign.
10. You either have knee, back or ankle problems.
Maybe not all of us struggle with these problems, but if you’re an athlete then you totally can understand, especially if you deal with one of these 3 areas constantly being in pain or getting injured.
11. Having to bend down to hug someone
It's a long way down for just a hug
12. Being taller than the shower head
Almost every hotel you go to puts you in this predicament and makes you look like buddy the elf trying to shower.
13. Being called a giant, or "Jolly Green Giant"
I mean, to some people we are considered giant.
14. Being “The Meeting place” in crowded areas.
"We're the lighthouses of society"
15. Everyone expects you to be good at sports
Just because I'm this tall, doesn't mean I'm going to the NBA.
16. Everyone thinks it’s always acceptable to jump on your back/shoulders without asking
No wonder some of us have back problems, because some of our friends think of us as their personal ride, or will always want to get on your shoulders at a concert for a better view.
17. Bending down to look in the mirror
Oh yeah, nothing like getting ready then looking in the mirror to see how you look from the neck down.
18. Being used to block out the sun/provide shade
“Hey, could you stand in front of me real quick? Sorry, the sun’s in my eyes and I need you to block it for me.”
19. And finally, Your friends get mad at you for walking faster than them
Your friends will always complain that you walk too fast, but they really don’t realize that you’re walking at a normal pace.
Being a tall guy/girl has its pros and cons, but overall we should appreciate being this tall because it's who we are, and we should all be honored to be apart of such a rare percentage worldwide.