Being a proud parent of a dog is the best. Dogs are these fluffy balls of unconditional love that can put a smile on anyone's face. You love and learn through your experiences with them. After owning dogs for many years I have realized that there are certain things non dog owners just wouldn't understand.
1. They sometimes sleep in the strangest positions
2. There is no such thing as personal space
3. Size doesn't matter, they are the baby of the family
4. You think they look cute when they lay their head on your leg until you realize that they are actually wiping their drool on you
5. If you hit them by accident you never forgive yourself, even though they have already forgiven you
6. Bath time for your dog can end up being bath time for you
7. You celebrate your dog's birthday every year
8. You know where their tickle spot is
9. They sometimes do weird things in there sleep, whether it's barking, twitching or running
10) They snore
11. When they want to play fetch but refuse to give the ball back
12. Your dog is better than everyone's else's, no questions asked
13. No matter how bad you feel they always know how to make you smile
14. The moment of terror after you bathe them and they roll around in the mud the second they get the chance
15. Hair. Hair everywhere!
16. You become their protector during fireworks and thunderstorms
17. They will wait outside the bathroom until you finish and act as if they haven't seen you in ten years when you get out
18, They can get away with murder when they give you the "look," and they know it
19. Their farts are lethal
20. After having one, you want more
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