20 things I want to try out now that I am 20
Backpack the Appalachian Trail
Research, research, research. I have been researching A TON of information on how to through hike the Appalachian Trail. Will have to wait until after I graduate college, but it is on the bucket list.
Try bungee jumping
Slightly terrifying, but I can be labeled as an adrenalin junkie sometimes.
Fall in love
Maybe I watch too many sappy love stories, but I want to know what it is like to be in love. Maybe its not all its cracked up to be, but I think its time.
Take a road trip with friends
Spring break, some random weekend, honestly I do not care when, I just want to go on a road trip with a group of friends.
Get a passport (it's high time for this one…)
I just wish they still stamped passports when you travel.
Learn how to play an instrument
Time to get away from the air guitar...I have always wanted to know how to play the piano or the guitar. Might as well start now.
Go to a festival
Probably not worth the heat, or the amount of paper, but I think it would be fun.
Go scuba diving
I can act out my childhood desire of being a mermaid and see some cool fish? Sign me up!
Go rock climbing (the real kind)
Jessica Pond
Obviously, this is not the real kind of rock climbing. However, this is one of the many things that has lead to my desire to go rock climbing somewhere like Colorado.
Start saving money…. really saving
Save now...enjoy it later? At least I hope that is the case.
take more pictures
Amanda Hessel
My friends and family can attest. I am currently on a photo rampage. I want to find a balance between enjoying a moment and being present, while also taking pictures so I can later look back and remember said moment.
Learn how to cook
As much as I love grilled cheese, might be time to learn how to actually prepare a meal.
Do something spontaneous (get a tattoo, get a piercing…)
My parents might kill me for this one, but it would not be as spontaneous as it seems. I have been thinking about different ideas and options for years, but it feels right somehow. I am no longer the rash teenager, so maybe my desire will be seen as a thought out decision instead of a drop of a hat....even if I do make the decision suddenly one day.
Backpack through Europe
Throw everything you need in a backpack and just start walking. Go anywhere, whenever. What could go wrong?
Stay somewhere haunted
Not sure if I even believe in ghosts (sorry Bailey), but I still think it would be cool to stay somewhere that is considered haunted.
Go cliff jumping
I cannot do cool tricks, but I want to jump off a cliff....safely!
Travel to a state that I've never been to (Louisiana, New York, etc.)
I want to travel everywhere, but I need to travel to some cool places in the US before I go anywhere else.
Enjoy life and those who are in it
Live. Laugh. Love. I had a shirt that said this when I was little and at the point decided it would be my life motto. Time to start living my said motto.