Growing up with one or more parents in the military is a life-altering experience. It can be difficult at times, but when you meet another military brat you have an instant connection with them because they know what it's like. If you're a part of this close-knit community, you'll understand these 20 things that only military kids get!
1. When people ask where you're from, you don't really know what to say
2. You spent part of your childhood living overseas
3. You know the struggle of doing all your clothes shopping at the Navy exchange
4. When you lived overseas you saw movies months after they came out in the states
5. You call America "the States"
6. You're used to your mom or dad being gone for months at a time
7. Seeing armed guards in uniform doesn't phase you because you grew up with it
8. You can tell the difference between a good O-Club and a bad one
9. You don't mind being called a brat
10. You know all the words to your branch's song
11. You might rip on the other branches constantly, but deep down you really respect everyone who serves regardless of their branch
12. You know there's nothing more serious than the Army-Navy rivalry
13. When you hear the word "seal" you think of an elite warrior, not a fluffy water mammal
14. You are the most punctual person in your friend group
15. When you hear the national anthem playing you stop whatever you're doing and face the nearest flag
16. If you forget your driver's license, you never worry because you can use your military ID as a backup
17. You feel no shame in asking cashiers if they have a military discount
18. You know that nothing compares to the happiness of seeing your mom or dad after a long deployment
19.You had a crazy childhood that most civvies wouldn't understand
20. But you wouldn't trade it for the world
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