You never really notice how much a person can learn once they are out on their own. College is a time where people venture out into the real world hoping to have fun, become an adult, and learn some stuff in the meantime. Below are twenty major things I've learned in college so far!
1. Time management
Learning when to study, when to go out and when to do absolutely nothing is actually tougher than it seems. Balancing out classes, your social life and physical and mental health is hard.2. Put yourself out there
It’s not like high school where you conveniently meet friends based on the classes that you are in, the sports teams you play on and the bus you ride. In college, you have to learn to put yourself out there to meet your friends—and it’s harder than it seems.
3. Exercise
It is definitely important to maintain your health and fitness. Exercising two to three times a week for 30 minutes or more actually reduces stress and anxiety.
4. Eat healthy
Now that you’re on your own and open to all these new food options, it’s hard not to live off of Chipotle and Ian’s Pizza. Make sure you stop by the Fresh Market and get some fruits and vegetables. It will save you money and help you stay away from the infamous "freshman 15."
5. Be nice to everybody
In a new place with so many different people, you have absolutely no idea what others are going through. In high school everyone deals with those mean, stuck up people—but put that in the past. It’s time for everybody to grow up and be nice.
6. Talk to the people in your classes
Especially at a big school. Talk to the people you sit next to in lecture and your discussions—who knows, they could become your good friends.
7. Speak up in discussion
Not only is this super important for your grade in the course, but it’s a good way to get involved and help your understanding of the subject.
8. Who cares what people think? Nobody really cares.
People in high school can be judgmental, rude and in others' business. The most beautiful thing about college is that nobody cares about who you date, who you’re friends with or what you do. So take it as a blessing.
9. Wear what you want
I’ve been able to wear more of what I want now that I'm in college. It’s cool to see people’s real style emerge when they are finally free from judgement.
10. Dress comfortably for that 8 a.m. lecture
I’m sorry, but waking up at 7 a.m. to make sure your hair and outfit are on point is just not realistic. If you do it, that's great—but I would rather get those extra minutes of sleep.
11. Or dress comfortably to every lecture!
Why be uncomfortable sitting through a class? I sure wouldn't want to be. I choose sweats and leggings over jeans every time.
12. Be safe
The “I’m invincible” outlook is not going to work in college. Make sure you always have someone to walk with you at night, and never go against your gut feeling.
13. Make good decisions
You’re an adult now. Every decision you make goes towards your future—so choose wisely.
14. But also know there are consequences for your bad ones
Another major thing about growing up is messing up. Taking responsibility for your actions is important. Accept things you've done wrong, apologize, learn from it and move on.
15. Take advantage of the free stuff
There are many places offering all types of free stuff to college kids. Take advantage of it! Who doesn’t love free tickets, snacks and coupons?
16. Step outside your comfort zone
Do something you never thought you would do. People grow the most while outside their comfort zone. It may be hard, scary and tough, but in the end, I promise it will be worth it!
17. Walking up Bascom Hill literally sucks
Enough said.
18. Don’t sleep in late every day
I was a victim of the 11 a.m. class most days this past semester. Don’t sleep your day away. Sleeping in is great, but don't make a habit out of it. Go be productive!
19. Don’t cram for tests or write papers the night before they're due
So many people are crazy stressed due to this study tactic. Don’t wait till the night before a midterm to spend some time in the library. Start studying, at least, a week in advance—just to be safe.
20. Don’t be afraid to not go out
Freshmen are always going out. It’s just part of being a college freshman. Don’t feel obligated to always tag along. A night of Netflix will do just as well.