Turning 20 years old is a big deal. You no longer have the word "teen" in your age, and you are considered an adult in the real world. Here are some things you learn or realize once you turn 20 years old.
1. The world is expensive
Of course your mom and dad are still buying you stuff you need, but without them buying literally everything, you realize that even the smallest things are overpriced. You even consider buying stuff like more toilet paper. You can just use the tissues until you're out of those, too!
2. You can't make everyone happy
Pleasing everyone is just impossible. There is no way you can make your family, friends, and teachers all happy at the same time. Once you realize this, it will make life so much easier to deal with, and you won't sweat the small stuff.
3. True friends
True friends are hard to find. In your 20's, you are so busy doing so many different things that it is hard to talk to your best friends every day like you did in high school. The ones you can go weeks without talking to and then start talking to again like you never left each other's sides, are your true friends.
4. You get what you give
This is something a lot of us are told when we are younger. I remember first hearing this saying in middle school. it was used when talking about grades. However, it is even more relatable once you turn 20. Another common saying is the famous "what goes around comes around". Be kind to others, and your chances of getting what you want will increase.
5. It's not what you say, it's how you say it
This is something my mom has been telling me for years, and it is so true. At 20 years old it is sometimes hard to speak your mind. But, you can say anything you want about anything if you control your tone of voice. The way you say things really affect how people see and treat you.
6. High school is easy
Being a sophomore in college, I can confidently say that I believe high school is easy. When I was in high school, I was always so stressed and didn't think it could be any harder. Little did I know, college is way more stressful, and the work is a lot harder.
7. Comparing yourself to others
Through the years I have learned there is absolutely no point in comparing yourself to others. There will always be someone prettier, skinnier, or funnier. The list goes on and on. It is important to not let yourself compare yourself to other people around you, and stay confident.
8. Success requires hard work
I'll be honest, I was the lazy type in high school. When I got into college, though, that all changed. In order to do really well, hard work is a must. You can't just cruise right through in college. It is a much different place than high school. If you want to be successful, you need to work hard.
9. Judging
This is an important one that I learned when I turned 20. It is easy to do things like smile through pain and pretend everything is okay. Some people are better at hiding it than others. Don't judge people. You never know what someone is going through. They could look like the happiest person in the world on the outside, but their inside could be very different.
10. Sleep is rare
Okay, it's not that rare, but there will be certain weeks where sleep is very minimal. Get as much as you can, and take advantage of sleeping in on weekends! I miss having nap time.
11. People change
Everyone changes. Not everyone turns into a better person than they were before. It's important to realize that people changing should not affect your life. It happens, and we have to move on. Sometimes losing a friend a long the way is necessary.
12. Speak your mind
If you don't say what you want, you'll never get it. I have learned that people really can't read your mind. If you want someone to know something, then say something.
13. Most things are temporary
It's important to understand that anything you have can instantly be gone in a second. Appreciate everything. Live every day like it's your last!
14. Nothing is perfect
Nothing is perfect! This goes for people, too. No one is perfect. Sometimes bad things happen and that's okay. No body's life is perfect. Think about this before you waste a bunch of time on something that can never really be perfect. There will always be someone who thinks it can be better.
15. People suck
"Suck" may be a harsh word, but the point is you can't trust anyone but yourself. Don't rely on other people to get things done, or to feel good about yourself. Someone will always let you down.
16. College is not like the movies
College in movies is very different than college in real life. Yes, there are parties every weekend and it is fun to go out once in a while, but no one goes out every single day of the week. People go to college to earn a degree. That is the main goal of college.
17. Material stuff is just stuff
This one reminds me of my dad. I think I learned this one before I turned 20, but now that I am 20, this one is hard. It's hard to not have the coolest or newest piece of clothing or item. Before you think you need the newest most popular thing, take a step back and look around you. Material stuff is just stuff. It means nothing. Real people, like family and friends are all you really need to survive.
18. Family is everything
Usually when I am home from school, you can find me fighting with my little sister. I would not trade this for anything, though. Going home for a weekend and seeing my family is one of the best feelings ever. I would not be able to survive without them.
19. Don't worry about things you can't change
Don't stress about things you can't change! This is a hard one for me. I like to stress and get anxious about every little thing happening in my life. Once you realize you have no control over a certain something, it will be much easier to just let go, and let things happen.
20. Do what you love
At 20 years old, if you are not doing what you truly want to be doing, then don't do it. You have the whole world at your finger tips, and so many opportunities. Do what you love and what makes you happy. As long as it makes you happy, no one else's opinion should matter.