Years spent in your twenties are the like the ultimate pre-game--full of embarrassing Instagrams, a lack of common sense and questionable outfit choices. It's a pre-game to the actually 'party' known as adulthood. So for all of you who are entering their twenties or soon to be leaving them, enjoy this hectic, chaotic time before adulthood hits.
1. Ramen noodles for dinner every night is not a sufficient meal plan.
2. However, begging your mom to stock you up on food is still acceptable.
3. Wine will always be your best friend no matter the circumstances
And it's okay if it comes from a box sometimes.
4. Sometimes you can't avoid parallel parking your car, its an inevitable life event.
My driver's ed teacher from high school would be horrified.
5. Love hurts, but its worth it
You're gonna run into some f**kboys, but what can ya do? Onto the next one.
6. At no point does getting up early and hitting the gym get any easier.
7. Don't waste your time on guys that aren't worth it.
8. ..because lets be real your twenties are going to go by fast, nobody has time to wait around.
9. Yeah, money is important but not as important as your family and friends.
Because they are the ones who keep you grounded.
10. Spending most of your savings account on traveling is OK.
11. Napping often is good for your health.![]()
And don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
12. If you decide not to clean the dishes, they will still be there in the morning.
13. Documenting your life on Facebook , or Instagram is really not necessary anymore.
It may be time to stop "Doing it for the Insta"
14. Try everything (ok, not everything but, most things) at least once.
15. Dance at every bar/club you go to.
16. Always go with your intuition.
Despite being young, odds are you intuition is right in the end
17. Some people you will just no get along with.
18. You can't always care so much about what other people think.
19. But most importantly, have the time of your life in your twenties and don't waste a minute of it.
20. Use the "they're just in their twenties" excuse to your advantage!
I'm still not quite an adult right?