Located in the heart of Central Pennsylvania, Lewisburg is not only home to Bucknell University but to all different kinds of people, places and memories. Growing up and living in Lewisburg is an experience unlike any other.
Here are some things you’ll definitely know to be true if you've lived in Lewisburg:
1. There are no secrets.
Everyone knows everything about everyone. That's just the way it is.
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2. Sheetz and Applebee’s are the places to be on the weekends.
Whether it's after a Friday night football game, you're hanging with friends, or you have nothing to do (which is pretty common in this town), you'll definitely find people at Sheetz late at night or at half priced apps at Applebee's.
3. The best times are when the Bucknell students aren't there.
No, Becky, I don't care that your Daddy just bought you that BMW you almost hit me with while you were going 55 mph downtown.
4. The high school is one of the best in the country.
The principal, teachers, and aides are all such great people that are sure to have such an impact on you.
5. Street of Shops has the best breakfast food.
Cinnamon bun pancakes. That is all.
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6. Boys soccer is phenomenal.
Did you know they won states? Twice!
7. It's 3-4 hours from anywhere significant.
Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, New York City.. they're all about the same distance away, just in different directions.
8. Everyone loves Penn State.
It's the closest university with a good football program so everyone's a fan.
9. The festivals downtown are some of the best times of the year.
The Arts Festival, the Ice Festival, and the Wooly Worm Festival are a few of my personal favorites.
10. Either people have been here their whole lives, or they’re only here for a little while.
There are some people who have lived here for generations upon generations. There are other people that moved here because their parents came to work at Bucknell, the hospital, or the penitentiary, and they're only here for a few years at most.
11. Ards is the only place to get your pumpkins and Christmas trees.
Going to the pumpkin patch and sipping hot chocolate while picking out your Christmas tree is the best.
12. It’s home to many historic places.
...The Slifer House, the Campus Theatre, and the Dale Engle Walker House just to name a few.
13. The Freez is the best place to get ice cream.
...You have to get hot fudge in the hole. Don't even fight me on this one.
14. You can’t go anywhere without seeing someone you know.
...Try going to Walmart without seeing your English teacher.
15. There are three Starbucks locations, but everyone prefers Dunkin.
...This may be because of all of the Bucknell people, but I really don't think I know of anyone who actually prefers Starbucks in this town.
16. When people ask where you’re from, there are only a few responses.
..."Have you ever heard of Bucknell? The Little League World Series? Harrisburg?"
17. Everyone has a favorite pizza place, but no one agrees on which is the best.
...La Casa, Pizza Phi, Vennari's
18. There are cows. Everywhere.
....nuff said.
19. And Amish People, too.
More the merrier!