1. No matter how far you stray God will never fail you!
2. Life is hard, but you have to remember every hard day is only 24 hours.
3. Never be afraid to ask for help! Pride is something we all have a lot of but you should never be too proud to get help in school, help in sports, help with your psychological health.
4. No matter how old you get sometimes you just need your mom and dad. They have done a lot more life than us and always have the greatest advice.
5. Never give up on something you cannot go a day without thinking about.
6. Don't be afraid to follow your dreams. Sometimes your dreams might not be the most practical career but it can always be done as a hobby or a side job!
7. DON'T GIVE UP! Giving up is not the answer sometimes you just have to step back and assess the situation, but don't just give up.
8. Go on adventures. Step outside your comfort zone. Go on a little longer of a height. Go on a camping trip. Do something you've always wanted to do but never had the courage to do!
9. Don't be afraid to fall in love! You might get your heart broken along the way but one day it will all be worth it, and if you're afraid you might miss out!
10. Always make time for your friends. They will be there for you no matter what happens. Other people might leave and you don't want to be left without friends!
11. Have a few crazy nights! Go out and have fun! You'll have more time to study tomorrow!
12. Stand up for what you believe in, but don't let it control your life!
13. College is hard, fun, and stressful, but somehow it is my favorite place to be in the world!
14. Work out and be healthy, but don't be afraid to eat that piece of chocolate cake or those tater tots because your metabolism won't be the same for much longer!
15. Don't judge people so quickly because you never know what is happening in their lives today! Give them a second chance!
16. Have that lazy day. It is okay if you need a day to just sit in bed and watch Netflix!
17. Money isn't everything! In college, you hardly have any and it is some of the best times I have had so far in life!
18. It is okay if you don't want to put makeup on. We all have natural beauty and sometimes you have to let it shine.
19. You need to own at least one outfit that you feel amazing in no matter what! Have fat day jeans but also have jeans for those days when you feel sexy!
20. Don't care what people think about you! Don't be a people pleaser. Your own happiness is more important that anyone else's. If you aren't happy you can't make anyone else happy!