20 Things I've Learned By 20 Years Old | The Odyssey Online
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20 Things I've Learned By 20 Years Old

To you, from me.

20 Things I've Learned By 20 Years Old
Hannah Clarke

Another year older, another year wiser; or at least that's what they tell me. Throughout my years on planet Earth, I've picked up a thing or two. Some things that I've learned have been a larger process than others, but each lesson is valuable nonetheless. So, from me to you, here are 20 things I've learned throughout my 20 years of life.

1. Don’t be afraid to be yourself. If people don’t like you for you, they don’t need to be a part of your life.

2. There will always be someone smarter than you, skinnier than you, funnier than you, etc. and that’s okay. Comparison of yourself amongst other people can break you. Don't forget your worth.

3. The person you date in high school probably won't be the person you end up marrying. My mom told me this multiple times and I just smiled and nodded, thinking she was wrong. She wasn’t.

4. Finding your place in the world takes a long time, but once you accept the fact that where you are now is where you are supposed to be, it gets easier.

5. You are worth way more than the numbers in your life. You’re worth more than the amount of calories you’ve eaten in a day, the number on the scale, the people you’ve dated. Numbers don’t define you.

6. Letting go of a person you still care about is one of the hardest things you’ll have to face in life.

7. Turning to someone or something else to numb the pain will only make the pain worse. Suffer through it and become strong again.

8. Everyone grows at their own rate. You can't force someone to have the same mindset at you, people have to develop on their own.

9. You aren’t under an obligation to go out every night, even if it’s what “normal” college kids do.

10. Your mom and dad love you more than you know, even if they don’t always show it.

11. People say “I love you” in different ways.

12. If you’re the only one putting effort into a relationship, it’s time for that relationship to end. Don’t give someone the time of day if they can’t sacrifice a minute to talk to you.

13. You shouldn’t rely on other people for your own happiness.

14. Good grades matter, but so does your mental health. Don’t stress yourself out to the point of complete exhaustion just so you can make an A on your biology final.

15. It's okay to cry, don't apologize for the way you're feeling. Ever.

16. Your first intuition about someone is usually right, but always be willing to give a person a chance first.

17. You can’t do the same thing every day and call that a life. Exploring the world you live in will be much more rewarding than sitting at home watching TV.

18. Second chances usually lead to disappointment and regret. If you're disappointed because you gave someone or some thing a second chance, don't continue to give them third, fourth, or fifth chances.

19. Stop being afraid of what will happen if you do something controversial. Be your own person. Live by your own rules.

20. You don’t have to have everything figured out by age 20.

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