"There is a time and a place for everything, and it's called college."
1. I promise it is OK to eat alone.
Your roommate is in a meeting, your friends are in class, and you are starving. Everyone is terrified of eating alone in the dining hall. I promise, it is not the worst thing in the world. Nobody is going to be paying attention to the fact that you are enjoying dinner for one. Yes, it may be weird and even a little awkward at first, but you are going to survive. Plus, this could be the perfect time to catch up on your social media for the day.
2. You don't have to have your face glued to your phone walking to class.
This is something I see way too often on campus. Whether it is walking to class or riding the escalators, everyone seems to find it necessary to literally glue their face to their phone. I get checking the occasional text walking to class, but to only keep your head down staring at your phone all while bumping into people and not paying any attention to anything around you is a serious issue. Try walking to class for a day without your phone. Seeing what your campus looks like can be just as fun.
3. College professors aren't scary people. Most of the time they are just as confused as you.
All through high school my teachers would scare me by saying, "College professors will not cut you any slack," making them out to be the worst people in the world. Professors are very understanding... well most of the time, you do get the occasional crazy one. That's not to say you can make up every exam or homework assignment, but they aren't monsters. Every professor I have had has been super nice and most of the time very goofy. So if you are going to be nervous about classes, don't let it be because of the professor.
4. Get involved; find something you really like, and if it doesn't work out try something else.
Greek life is one of many organizations you can be apart of on a college campus. Is this isn't for you then there are plenty of other groups and organizations for everyone. All I stress is that freshman year you at least join one new thing. That could be absolutely anything, but being involved and getting to meet new people will be something you do not regret. If something doesn't work out, try something else. There is a place for everyone on a college campus, and once you find what's right for you it will be a blast!
5. Don't just sit in your room, go out and meet people.
You don't have to go out every night, but it's good to stop watching Netflix or get off your phone every once in a while and walk around outside or mingle with people in your dorm. Don't be the person who never leaves their dorm room unless it's to shower or go to class. Make some friends and get some fresh air.
6. Actually study for exams in advance.![]()
Studying for exams in college is a whole new ball game. It is chapters worth of content into one exam, so definitely start to study little by little each day and do not try to cram the night before a big exam. It is going to be nearly impossible to get good grades with those kind of studying habits. After each class try to go over the material and read before class so you already have an idea of what the topic is for that day. I know all of that sounds crazy, but it does work. Also, take notes, they actually do help.
7. You will likely change your major and thats OK.
You will most likely change your major at least once in your four years of college. I have known plenty of people who have changed there majors multiple times, and that is perfectly OK. You do not have to know everything you want to do right this second. All that matters is that you are still trying and are in school making the most out of it. You will find something you enjoy very much and be super happy about it when you figure it out. Stay driven and passionate.
8. You are going to miss your friends way more than you may think.
This could not be more accurate. Although I have made many good friends in college, my high school friends will always hold a special place in my heart. I have had the same two best friends since kindergarten, and we all go to different schools. Being away from them is way harder than I ever thought it would be, and I miss them all the time. When we do get to see each other it is the greatest thing ever, and i think more than anything it has just brought us closer.
9. College is not as impossible as people make it seem.
Adults make it seem like college is impossible. I promise you it is possible. It's not going to be easy by any means; there is a lot of change and classes are not going to be like high school, but you are going to make it through. You aren't going to be studying every single night, and you will have free time. Time management is key. College will be some of the greatest times of your life. Enjoy it!
10. College is all what you make it.
College will be fun if you make it fun. College will not be fun if you don't make it fun. Simple as it is. If you don't want to be bored in your dorm, get involved! If you want a lot of free time to hang with friends, don't take on too many responsibilities because then you will be stressed out all the time. Overall, it will be fun. You know what is going to make you happy in college, you just need to make that happen for yourself
11. Budget your money.
This is very important. At the beginning of the year, I had no doubt in my mind that I would have enough money for the year. Here I am second semester, broke as can be, wondering where the heck all my money went. Save as much as you can and be smart with what you spend your money on at the beginning of the year. Also, it is probably in your best interest to get a job even though you really don't want to. Budget your money and don't spend all your money at the bars or on food, you will regret it.
12. Although it is tempting, don't skip class.
"Half the battle is showing up," and that is the truth. As tempting as it may be to skip a class because you feel sick, the teacher doesn't take attendance, or you had too much fun the night before, I promise going to class is the smart decision. As hard as it may be to go to your 8 a.m., you will thank yourself later in the semester that you showed up. Also, if you are paying for your college or even if your parents are, one class is expensive. Don't let that money go to waste. Go to class!
13. You will take lots of naps.
My favorite part of the day. Taking my nap. I never used to be a huge nap taker in high school because there never seemed to be enough time in the day, but coming to college is a whole new game. Long naps after a day of back-to-back classes is the greatest thing ever. You will appreciate naps so much more in college. It will be what you look forward to when you get back to your dorm.
14. College couples can make it, so don't break up just because you are going to college.
I cannot stress this enough. If you are a senior and in a relationship, do not break up with someone just because you are going off to college. It's a different story if you want your freedom and you don't want to work it out, but if you still love each other, then stay together. I know plenty of long distance college couples that are stronger than ever since going to college. It can work! Do not let college break you up.
15. Study abroad or volunteer abroad sometime during your college career.
TRAVEL! TRAVEL! TRAVEL! If you get the opportunity to travel in college whether that is studying abroad or volunteering abroad, do it. I've heard it will be one of the best decisions you could make. Plus, this is the time to see new places and have new experiences. Traveling could really help you for future jobs or just life experience. It is a great opportunity to grow as an individual. I highly encourage you to look at your global opportunities at some point in your college career.
16. Wash your hands, you will get sick and it will not be fun. Avoid at all costs.
Getting sick in college is probably the worst thing that could happen. You aren't used to being sick in a new place without your mom to take care of you. It is the ultimate struggle. Just make sure to constantly be washing your hands, keep your room clean and disinfect every once in awhile, and eat your vitamins. Nothing is worse than getting a serious cold the day before a presentation or big exam. Get lots of rest and keep healthy!
17. Hangout with more than just your old high school friends.
Although it is so much easier to hangout with people you already know from high school, be sure to make some other friends. Meeting new people is one of the best parts about college. Making new friends and even best friends. These are the friends you could have for the rest of your life, so definitely make an effort to meet any new people you can.
18. Coffee will be your best friend.
I've always been a huge coffee drinker, but when it comes to a late night studying for exams, having to finish a project, or just for a little pick-me-up during your day, coffee will be your #1 love. I even suggest bringing a Keurig to school for your dorm so you can have some coffee ready to go for you at all hours of the day. Definitely makes my day better.
19. Don't judge people in college, you will see and do some weird stuff.
Whether you see a kid roller blading in a onesie, someone asleep in the library, or a guy in a Teletubby head at a football game. That is just the beginning. You are going to see some weird stuff on a college campus. No shame though because one day you are going to be that person doing something really weird and nobody will judge you for it because... it's college. The time to truly be yourself with no judgments. It is truly a blessing.
20. You will find out more about yourself in college than you ever thought you could...It's a good thing -- let it happen.
College will be one of the biggest transitions of your life. It is truly a time to explore and figure out who you really are and who you want to be. It is a time to start over. You are going to change for the better. You are going to grow in ways you never thought. Let yourself be open to new experiences and don't shy away from the path that is being made in front of you. Be a better you.