I was a high school girl not that long ago. Someone probably told me these things and I ignored them. I wish I would have listened.
1. Be brave.
Be brave when you give the wrong answer in class and be brave when you face a fear.
2. Be involved.
Be involved in everything. In FFA, in FCA, in Art Club, Spanish Club, but most importantly be involved in the lives of those closest to you.
3. Stand up for what is right.
It's a cliche, but that doesn't make it less true. Once at my school there was a (planned) fight and I didn't intervene, I wish I would've.
4. Sit with the kid who sits alone.
You will end up with a friend.
5. Be kinder than you feel.
Maybe you're having a crumby day, hold the door open and smile at strangers anyway.
6. Think before you respond to a "What's wrong?"
You are not obligated to confide in anyone. Some people don't really care, they are only nosey. If you don't feel 100% comfortable confiding in someone then don't.
7. Learn how to be a friend.
Your friends will talk about you behind your back, you will talk about them too. Forgive them and move on. With that said, try not to talk about them. "A true friend defends you in your absence." Be that friend.
8. If it is after 2 a.m. just stay home.
9. Before you date a boy ask him three questions.
To me the end game to dating is getting married. So if I don't like their answers now, I won't like them in forty years either. I read these questions online somewhere and I can't remember where, but here they are: 1. Do you like dogs? 2. What do you do when it rains? 3. What are you afraid of? If he isn't afraid of anything he doesn't believe in anything either.
10.Friendships trumps relationships.
Be focused on creating friendships instead of romantic relationships. Not every relationship with a boy will be romantic and that is okay.
11. You are important.
12. You are loved.
13. You are more than enough.
14. STUDY.
Stop procrastinating. Work your hardest. Do your best.
15. Go to bed early.
You'll be thankful in the morning.
16.Wear a coat.
Seriously wear a coat. You don't want to fight the flu and finals in the same week.
17.The world is big.
Don't get too caught up in where you are right now.
18. Make good choices.
Be careful where you spend Saturday nights. Learn to treat your body with care now, you take your habits to college not your moms nagging to eat a carrot every two weeks.
19. A relationship isn't required.
There's a lot of pressure to fall in love with high school. If you do great, if you don't great. A marriage certificate isn't required to graduate.
20. Overcome fear.
If you want to start a club, but you are afraid to fail overcome your fear. Even if you fail you will have gained experience and knowledge. You do not fail when you learn.